Republican lawmakers have threatened to repeal D.C.’s home rule for decades, but under a newly Republican-led House, Senate, and presidency, some D.C. advocates are taking threats to the District’s autonomy... Read more
By Chih-Rong Kuo March 11, 2025
For 51 years, D.C. has elected its own mayor and city council to manage local affairs. But in the last five decades, residents have not settled for the limited self-government... Read more
By Katie Doran November 1, 2024
D.C. statehood is not an issue of just taxes or borders. Civil rights, racial justice, and democracy are at stake. Statehood would open up pathways for the 700,000 residents of D.C., 54 percent of whom are people of color, to advocate for themselves and access the same democratic processes that people living in states do.
By Heejin Hahn August 16, 2020
For the first time in history, D.C. statehood has been approved by a house of Congress, passing the House in a 232-180 vote on June 26. Despite the vote, and... Read more
By Isaac Solly July 17, 2020
The 35-day government shutdown, the longest in U.S. history, threw D.C. residents into the national spotlight, but also brought an unintended consequence for statehood advocates. Washington City Paper argued that... Read more
By the Editorial Board February 1, 2019