
Letter to the Editor

By the

May 3, 2001

My name is Kristin Campbell. I am a freshman and a Maryland native. I am writing this letter because I am extremely appalled by the way that go-go music is presented in April 26 edition of your magazine. It completely perpetuates any stereotypes that people may have about blacks in Washington, D.C. This article is the first exposure that many will have to go-go music. When writing this article the authors should have visited more than one go-go club. For instance, the security checks at the Capital City Pavilion are an extreme case. Not every go-go club requires women to take off their bra and not every go-go has such strict security measures. The reader can’t help but sympathize with the poor white Georgetown students who had to experience such a dangerous event. They pray that the students won’t be harassed by one of the trashy sex hungry girls or one of the many gang members that apparently, according to this article, are present at every go-go. I guess these are the “Dangers of Go-go”.

I am hurt and offended that my fellow Georgetown students could be so narrow-minded and present such a biased opinion of the city and the music that many of local students love.

Kristin Campbell (MSB ‘04)

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