
War is not the answer

By the

September 27, 2001

There was a teach-in on Sept. 20 here at Georgetown titled “Islam, the United States and Terrorism.” I asked the panel why Muslims all over the world are being oppressed as a result of American foreign policy and the answer was one that disturbed me a great deal. One of the panelists summed it up in two words: oil and hegemony. In other words, America acts in its own self-interest.

In any case, Georgetown students and Americans all over the country are starting to question and reconsider America’s foreign policy. It is sad that we need a tragic and depressing event that killed 5,000 innocent civilians to open up our eyes to what is happening around us in the world. I really think that now is the time for every American to do some serious soul-searching and ask himself fundamental questions about our country. These upcoming days, weeks and even months will be the moments of truth for our country and could affect generations upon generations of Americans. In the end, we all want the same thing. We want to prevent the loss of American life and we want to make the world a better and safer place. The question is: How do we do it?

The first thing that every American has to realize is that Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, is completely against terrorism and any kind of violence against innocent civilians. Islam, in all actuality, is a religion of peace. Few people realize that the word ‘Islam’ is actually derived from the Arabic word ‘salaam’ which means ‘peace.’ It is heartening to see that Georgetown students as well as the administration have embraced and given their full support to Muslims on campus. We must accept Muslims as true Americans just like anyone else. Once we make this first step, we must apply this same level of tolerance on the world stage and in our foreign policy. If we agree that we should treat Muslim-Americans with equal rights then, in turn, instead of oppressing Muslims around the world, we should help them and ease their suffering.

Sometimes I wonder if we have any intelligent people working in the State Department. All the talk these days is about blowing up Afghanistan and fighting the “War on Terrorism.” Wait, what exactly is terrorism? Is ‘terrorism’ the name of a country? Did the Taliban decide to officially change the name of their nation to ‘terrorism?’ Here, America has to be careful. We lost 5,000 American lives that were dear to us. It would be ironically hypocritical if, by fighting this war against terrorism, we would kill 5,000 innocent Afghan civilians. If we did that, how would we be any different than the terrorists themselves? Mass military mobilization will not wipe out terrorism. If America decides to fight terrorism with aircraft carriers, ground troops and bombs, it will not win. Terrorism is not an entity or an identifiable group of people. On the contrary, terrorism is a vague movement. Terrorism is a feeling. And you can not destroy feelings with missiles. We have to fight terrorism in a different manner.

As long as people hate America, there will be terrorism. We have to cut terrorism at its roots. Instead of treating the symptoms, we have to cure the disease. The only way to stop terrorism is to stop giving people reasons to hate America, and the only way to do that is for us to dramatically change our racist and destructive foreign policy. So many people in the world today are suffering because of what America has indirectly or directly done to them. These people have no hope. They can not find a reason to go on. They have reached a dead end. It is these destitute conditions that provide a breeding ground for terrorism. And, it is American foreign policy that has created these breeding grounds. Due to the United States’ ongoing sanctions in Iraq 4,500 children under the age of five are dying each month from hunger and disease, according to UNICEF. America gives three times more aid to Israel than to all of sub-Saharan Africa combined, according to the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. When Palestinian civilians see F-16s rising above their heads and bombing their houses in the middle of the night, they hold America accountable because America is the country that gave these planes to Israel. Instead of supporting Islamic democracy movements in the Middle East which want to give the Arab people the right to vote, America instead chooses to funnel millions of dollars of aid to restrictive dictatorships like that of Egypt and Morocco, according to WRMEA. Yes, the world has become a very scary place, and we have only made the situation worse.

America has always prided itself on the lofty ideals of democracy, freedom and human rights. But, actions speak louder than words. It is time for this great nation to live up to its rhetoric. We are at a crossroads in history. I always think to myself that if America really wanted to, it could make the world a much better place for all peoples, regardless of whether they are Muslim or Christian. I always think to myself that America could use its power, money and influence to help people and raise them out of their misery. The time has come for America to reach its potential and become a light for all nations. Please, let us stop thinking about war, bombs, and missiles. Instead, let us begin the 21st century with a declaration of peace, hope and progress.

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