I appreciate your article about ANSWER (“In the Anti-war Movement is Only One ANSWER Right?” Jan. 30). While it is nice that there is such a large organization opposed to war, it is not the only movement. I am a member of the Libertarian Party, a group you would find holding “Starbucks in Iraq” signs before any sort of Marxist Revolutionist propaganda. Many that support our philosophy are mainstream, laissez-faire Wall Street conservatives, though we also sport a fair share of green-minded anarchists.
Many people are alienated from ANSWER because they don’t identify with the group on any issue besides the war. Diversity is just as important as solidarity in any movement. It prevents the administration from believing that it is ignoring only one segment of the population. For those who oppose this war, I encourage you to tell the administration how you feel. If you want to protest, there are many diverse groups to join. If you don’t, you can always engage in personal activism and send letters to your elected officials. It is critical that you take action as soon as possible if you want to avert war. The outcry of public opinion during the Vietnam War was essential to getting out of it, but this did not occur until well after too many people on both sides had died. The movement against this war is already being compared with Vietnam, and the war hasn’t even started yet.
Matthew Middleton (SFS ‘05)