Inaccurate representation of The Georgetown Academy
Perhaps the next time College Democrats president Scott Zumwalt dares to throw around slanderous words like “racist, sexist and homophobic,” all charges he levels at The Academy in your last issue (“GU Alum and Top Frist Aid Resigns,” Feb. 12, 2004), he should give your readers some evidence of the veracity of these claims. In the future, he should explain exactly what he means by these terms.
The last three Editors-in-Chief of The Academy have been a Hispanic female, a Jew, and myself, a woman. The president of The Academy is Lt. Melissa Christoffel. Women and men of all races and religious faiths have always been, and always will be, integral contributing members of The Academy.
For philosophical reasons, the editorial board of The Academy is opposed to legalizing gay marriage. We have published articles making reasoned arguments in favor of our position. Furthermore, some of us (myself included), are practicing Catholics who follow the Church’s teaching on this issue.
Finally, it is interesting that Zumwalt knows for an absolute fact that “What [Manuel] Miranda did is a crime.” Perhaps he could share whatever conclusive proof he has in his possession with the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms, who has access to all the details of the situation, and still seems to think this is an open question.
Zumwalt’s comments are an embarrassment to himself and the College Democrats. When asked a specific question about a particular situation that does not concern The Academy in the least, he responded with a bigoted, baseless, libelous comment on my publication.
Racism, sexism, and homophobia are serious words with concrete definitions, and it is nothing short of appalling that he would bandy them about so frivolously.
Cindy Searcy
CAS ‘04
Editor-in-Chief, The Georgetown Academy