Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

May 3, 2007

To the editors,

I can hardly believe the way reporter Kathryn Brand was treated by Georgetown’s sports information office, which I read about today at row2k.com [“A lack of Sports Information,” Voices, April 26]. She deserves much admiration for putting up with the misguided policy of the university’s athletic department, not to mention her readiness to head to the boathouse at dawn to interview the rowing team.

The ones who lose, of course, are the rowers. The sport gets so little media attention that college rowing coaches and crew members not only welcome a story now and then but also are quite open with members of the media, particularly from their own school’s paper. When I covered the rowing beat for the Indiana Daily Student three years ago, I was treated like any member of the media by the Indiana University sports information office. What reporter would expect less?

Georgetown athletic officials should rethink the way they handle The Georgetown Voice sports writers.

Bill Meehan

To the editors,

Rei Sairu is one of those very interesting people with whom you have to spend a certain amount of time before you understand his personality. He is definitely a little off the “norm,” but only in ways that make him a very fun and enjoyable person to spend time with. As friends of Rei’s, we understand that it would be easy to misjudge him—but the article concerning his comments (“V. Tech remarks spark anxiety,” News, April 26) left too much doubt as to whether he is actually a threat to this university. The opinions expressed are clearly those of people who do not know him, and therefore present the situation as a much more serious concern than it should be. Rei should not have said what he said; it was insensitive and careless. But it is absurd to suggest that he poses any threat to the students at this school, and we hope he will return next year to a campus that welcomes him home.

Alex Vezina (COL ‘10)

Laura Donaldson (COL ‘10)

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