1. Ritual drink used in 47 across
5. In a pod
9. Embarrass
14. Tricky SFS subject
15. Hawaiian island
16. Whine
17. 90s Broadway hit
18. Kind of school
19. Chest wood
20. Oracular
22. Exotic fruit
24. Only
25. Lethal
27. German word for a small boat
31. The Beatles were back in it
32. Electric amphibian
34. Bathroom in London
35. Totals
38. Mom’s club (abbr.)
40. Santa’s making it
42. Bawled
44. Compass Point
46. Mediterranean ship
47. Eastern religion
48. ___ Francisco
50. Often done upon a star
51. Head scan
52. Green government agency
55. Took to court
57. Ancient Greek city located
in Thrace
59. With 10 down, next week
61. ___ Cudi
64. Country
66. Air freshener brand
68. Dried riverbeds
71. Potato sprouts
73. Colored part of the eye
74. Lapses
75. Money
76. Run ___
77. Open
78. Otherwise
79. St. Louis football team
1. Power controlling device
2. Pacific, for example
3. ___ Carlo
4. Against
5. Soda, in the Midwest
6. Lobes
7. In the lead
8. Limber
9. Agency (abbr.)
10. With 59 across, next week
11. Help
12. Resort
13. That woman
21. After cassettes but before
23. Popeye’s yes
26. Sixth sense
28. Cover story
29. Used to water lawns
30. “Kick it up a ___!”
31. Secondhand
33. Not strict
35. Hurt
36. Less wet
37. Squalid
39. 6-pack for some
41. Vulgar
43. Owed
45. Lack of difficulty
49. Wears a habit
53. West Coast time zone
54. Each
56. Scrambled food
58. Bird similar to a heron
60. Like a queen
61. Goes around, comes around
62. Saying
63. Students’ workspace
65. Association (abbr.)
67. Fibber
68. Compass direction
69. Boxer Muhammed
70. Completed
72. That girl