
News Hit: Recruiting numbers down

February 6, 2014

Georgetown has seen a dip in the number of employers recruiting on campus since the 2012-2013 academic year.

According to a report provided by the Cawley Career Education Center, 42 employers, including the Boston Consulting Group, the Central Intelligence Agency, and M&T Bank, out of the 124 that came to campus to recruit during the 2012-2013 school year did not return this year.

The report, however, also indicated that 29 firms that did not recruit on campus last year, made appearances on campus this year for a total of 114 employers, including HSBC Securities, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., and McKinsey & Company.

According to Michael Schaub, executive director of the Career Center, the companies that decided not to return may have been influenced by a lack of student interest in previous recruiting efforts. He stressed, however, that many employers still post work opportunities on Hoya Career Connection and coordinate interviews off-campus.

“It is important to note that on-campus interviewing is best suited to employers who have the capacity to interview lots of students and who can predict what their hiring needs will be after May,” wrote Schaub in an email to the Voice. He also mentioned that the list of recruiters, which was last updated on Jan. 28, is not final.


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