
GUSA senate passes reforms to Election Commission

December 6, 2018

The GUSA Senate unanimously passed an Act to Amend the Bylaws to Reform the Election Commission at their Dec. 2 meeting.

The act provided for changes to the GUSA election process, including requiring the communication of campaigning dates by the Election Commission 30 days prior to the election and allowing the commission to create platforms for candidates to meet with constituents prior to the election.

The wording of the bylaws no longer requires the commission to set up a physical voting booth but allows them to choose to do so, given that few votes are cast at the physical booths.

The act also changed the makeup of the Election Commission by increasing the number of people on the committee from three to five. The chair of the committee will now be the individual who has served on the committee for the longest amount of time.

The changes were brought forward by the Election Commission to make the process more transparent and prevent last minute changes in election policy.

No senators spoke in opposition to the act.

The senate will hold its last meeting of the semester Sunday Dec. 9 in Healy 106.

Annemarie Cuccia
Annemarie is an avid Voice reader and former editor-in-chief. She hopes she left the magazine better than she found it.

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