
Georgetown medical housing: a quickly approaching deadline

February 10, 2022

Illustration by Deborah Han

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Fair Housing Act, Georgetown students with disabilities or medical conditions must be provided with adequate living accommodations or emotional support animals. It becomes difficult, however, when students are given a particularly limited amount of time to apply for medical housing consideration. The application for medical housing for the 2022-2023 academic year is due Friday, Feb. 11.

While the Office of Residential Living advertises announcements regarding deadlines on their website and through emails, it is important that students are also in contact with the Academic Resource Center in advance. Students need to fill out a medical housing request form, as well as have a specialized medical care professional quickly complete the documentation guidelines for healthcare providers. This person must clearly explain and document the specific nature of a student’s condition.

Students qualifying for the later second consideration deadline are required to submit their application before Friday, April 29. Students must reapply for medical housing consideration each school year in order to be accommodated once again.

Even if a student is approved for medical housing, assignment to a specific residence hall or apartment cannot be guaranteed, but is instead based on the existence of a documented medical condition warranting special consideration, and the availability of space in campus residences.

Those meeting the first consideration deadline are typically provided with an answer by early March, prior to the housing selection process. Those meeting the second consideration deadline can expect an answer around mid-July, during the summer assignment process. Students will be notified via e-mail by Residential Living when a housing placement decision has been made.

Sophie Tafazzoli
Sophie is an assistant news editor and a sophomore in the College studying Government and pursuing a minor in Journalism. She is currently living in Los Angeles and loves a good icebreaker.


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