
Roundup with Ryan: A Q&A with Ryan Mutombo

November 5, 2023

Design by Maddie Ott

The Voice had the opportunity to sit down with junior center Ryan Mutombo, one of the only holdovers from the 2021-22 Georgetown men’s basketball team, last week before practice to ask him questions about Georgetown basketball, life on the Hilltop, and what his message to the fans is this season. We also learned that Ryan’s favorite class at Georgetown was this reporter’s as well, which we took together last semester. The following has been edited for length and clarity. 

Lucie Peyrebrune: First of all, could you give me your basic Georgetown introduction that you’d give in a class?

Ryan Mutombo: Ryan Mutombo, Georgetown class of ’24. I’m from Atlanta, Ga., studying government, minoring in women’s and gender studies and African American studies. 

LP: So to kick things off, you are one of the only players who’s still around from the 2021-22 roster. What is it like being one of the oldest players on the team, just in terms of how long you’ve been at Georgetown?

RM: I think the transfers have definitely had an adjustment period in terms of academic workload, and just getting adjusted to campus life, especially at a smaller university. So just like, helping them through that. Making sure that all of them have their grades in check and that everybody stays on top of things so that we’re all set to rock and roll for the season. That’s probably been my biggest locker room role outside of being a great teammate.

LP: I was wondering how much you are still in touch with some of the guys who have transferred out or graduated in the past couple of years.

RM: I still talk to the people from my freshman class all the time. Yeah, no, I still talk to them.

LP: What’s your go-to Epi order?

RM: Oh, snap. If I’m spending flex dollars, then the chicken Caesar wrap, but for meal exchange, chicken tenders.

LP: Which new faces on the team are you excited to be playing alongside?

RM: I’m really excited to be playing with Supreme Cook just because I think he brings an incredible physicality to the game. And he’s pushed me to get a lot better this summer and be way more physical and vocal. And I’m also looking forward to playing with Rowan Brumbaugh, because I’ve known him for three years now, but I just haven’t had the opportunity to play with him.

LP: What’s been your favorite class that you’ve taken at Georgetown?

RM: My favorite class since I’ve gotten to Georgetown was international relations with Elizabeth Grimm.

LP: What aspect of your game do you think you’ve improved the most on since Cooley and the rest of the new staff have come in?

RM: Conditioning and general physicality. Just like, throwing elbows, being way more gritty on defense. I think those have taken a big jump for me this year.

LP: What would you say is for you the most memorable on-the-road moment?

RM: Aha! Most memorable on-the-road moment since I’ve been here was probably, I want to say, winning at Butler last year felt really good because it was just a tough season. And you know, to get a road win with a group of guys that I thought I’d really bonded with despite a tough season. 

LP: Do you have any messages for the fans?

RM: Show up to our games. Oh my gosh, show up to our games. We’re going to be good and you’re not gonna want to miss it. So please, please, please show up to our games. We need your support. And you know, the program is only as big as the support from the fans is. Please show up to our games. No more empty stadiums. No more losing. Just good vibes and winning. Show up to the games and I promise you, you will get what you paid for.

LP: Do you have any pickup basketball tips?

RM: Work on your left-hand layups. If you can make left- and right-hand layups, you’ll win every pickup game.

LP: Thank you so much for your time. 

RM: Thank you.

Lucie Peyrebrune
Lucie is the Sports Editor and a sophomore in the College studying Political Economy and French. A DMV native, she is a big fan of DC sports teams (especially the Wizards and the Spirit) and anything USWNT-related.

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