Georgetown University students celebrated the Jewish autumn harvest festival Sukkot, meaning “the Feast of Booths,” in their very own sukkah on Copley Lawn from Oct. 15-23. The sukkah is a tent-like structure adorned with branches and plants referenced in Jewish scripture. The festival falls in the month of Tishrei, the first month of the Jewish new year, which includes several holidays emphasizing reflection on one’s inner self to guide them through the new year. Sukkot celebrates the sheltering of Jewish ancestors and serves as a feast of appreciation for nature and the provisions one is given to be successful in the new year. In accordance with tradition, Georgetown students ate meals together and participated in services throughout the week inside of the sukkah.

Photo by Sabrina Shaffer Students hung a paper chain with words of affirmation for the LGBTQ+ community inside of the sukkah.Photo by Sabrina Shaffer

Photo by Sabrina Shaffer Afternoon light peeks through the open roof of the sukkah, casting a shadow of the leaves.Photo by Sabrina Shaffer

Photo by Sophia Frank Friday evening Shabbat preparation occurs in and around the sukkah.Photo by Sophia Frank

Photo by Sophia Frank Students attend Chaplain’s Tea in the sukkah.Photo by Sophia Frank

Photo by Sophia Frank Tuesday afternoon Chaplain’s Tea is held in the sukkah.Photo by Sophia Frank

Photo by Sabrina Shaffer During a Jewish Life event, students gather to chat and share a laugh.Photo by Sabrina Shaffer

Photo courtesy of Claire Auslander Klementyna Pozniak (MSFS ’25) holds up her homemade Polish pierogi at a dinner she organized.Photo courtesy of Claire Auslander

Photo by Sabrina Shaffer Lights illuminate the interior of the sukkah during the Jewish Life event.Photo by Sabrina Shaffer

Photo by Sabrina Shaffer Students gather inside the sukkah for the event, where homemade pierogi and other Polish Jewish food was served.Photo by Sabrina Shaffer

Photo by Sophia Frank Deborah Silver, Associate Director of Jewish Life, and Rabbi Ilana Zietman take down the sukkah.Photo by Sophia Frank