Eddy Binford-Ross

Eddy Binford-Ross is a junior in the SFS and the news editor. She loves talking about the importance of student journalism, swimming in mountain lakes, reading good novels, and, of course, writing for the Voice.


Code of Conduct changes, explained

For over a year, Georgetown has been revising its rules governing student conduct.  Starting this academic year, the university is implementing the revised version of the Code of Student Conduct—the... Read more


Students protest, pitch tents at GW President Granberg’s offices after encampment cleared

Around 250 pro-Palestine protesters from the DMV Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) Coalition, Student Coalition for Palestine at George Washington University, and other groups gathered at the intersection of... Read more


Arrests made, protesters pepper sprayed as police clear GW encampment

Thirty-three arrests, among them Georgetown students, were made Wednesday morning as the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) cleared the Gaza solidarity encampment at George Washington University (GW).  Demonstrators from eight universities,... Read more


Timeline: GW’s Gaza solidarity encampment

Day One: Thursday, April 25 Students from George Washington University (GW), Georgetown, American University, and other schools establish the Gaza Solidarity encampment, which they now refer to as the “Popular... Read more


GW Gaza solidarity encampment enters week two, organizers remain energized

For more than a week, hundreds of D.C. college students and community members have gathered at George Washington University’s (GW) Gaza solidarity encampment, drawing attention from the District, national media,... Read more


Tensions rise on night four of GW encampment

Tensions surged on the fourth night of the Gaza solidarity encampment at George Washington University on Sunday night and into Monday morning


GW encampment grows onto street in third day of protest for Gaza

Saturday marks the third day that students have been camped in George Washington University’s (GW) University Yard, protesting in solidarity with Palestine. Late Friday evening, demonstrators that had been standing... Read more


In photos: 24 hours inside the Gaza solidarity encampment at GW

Students from George Washington University, Georgetown, and other DC colleges established a pro-Palestine encampment Thursday on GW’s campus. The encampment, which began at 5 a.m., follows similar protests at other... Read more


Students establish Gaza solidarity encampment on GW’s campus; 135 march from GU to join

Students from George Washington University along with students from Georgetown and other schools from throughout the D.C. area established an encampment in solidarity with Gaza early this morning on GW’s campus.


Students to vote on referendum for gender-inclusive housing

A referendum calling for gender-inclusive housing policies goes to the student body for a vote this week, after the resolution passed the GUSA Senate, 23-4. Voting will open on April... Read more