What if I told you that your zip code determines your life expectancy more than your genetic code? In Washington, D.C., this isn’t just a hypothetical question—it’s a stark reality that underscores the urgent need for health equity innovation efforts in our nation’s capital.
This February, as we celebrate Black History Month—which was established to help us understand the past, present, and future while honoring the contributions of African Americans—it’s crucial to reflect on the historical context that has shaped health inequities in D.C. while continuing to map a more equitable pathway forward.
Health inequity is defined as disparities in health that stem from unjust, systemic policies and practices that limit opportunities for good health. The city’s legacy of segregation and disinvestment in predominantly Black neighborhoods has caused disparities in educational outcomes and life expectancy, leaving a lasting negative impact on community health outcomes.
A 2022 research article reported that the diabetes death rate among African Americans in Ward 8 is five times higher than that of Caucasians. Additionally, there is an 11% disparity in diabetes prevalence between Black and white individuals in the District, with rates of 14% and 3% respectively. This sobering statistic is just one example of the health disparities that persist in our city due to long-standing systemic inequities caused by factors including racism, segregation, food insecurity, and economic inequality.
Health equity innovation offers a solutions-oriented approach that can improve equitable access to health and well-being while reducing health disparities and inequities. This approach isn’t just about providing equal access to healthcare—it’s about addressing the social and structural determinants of health––including race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, education, employment, and housing––that profoundly influence overall health and well-being.
In D.C., African American leaders in businesses, city government, legal aid services, and community-centered nonprofit organizations are stepping up to tackle these challenges head-on. Through their servant leadership they are setting a vision, creating strategies, and sustaining efforts through a combination of policies, programs and practices to address health disparities and inequities.
Take healthcare company AmeriHealth Caritas D.C., for instance. Under the leadership of Market President Karen Dale, they have implemented care management programs that go beyond traditional healthcare to address the root causes of health disparities. Their initiatives focus on connecting members with resources for housing, food security, and job training—recognizing that health is more than just medical care.
In the public sector, the D.C. Department of Health and Human Services, led by Deputy Mayor Wayne Turnage, has been instrumental in expanding Medicaid coverage and implementing innovative programs to improve health outcomes for D.C.’s most vulnerable residents. The department has focused on addressing specific health issues such as asthma, diabetes, and hypertension, which are more prevalent in neighborhoods with medium to high poverty rates. These efforts aim to reduce potentially avoidable hospitalizations and improve overall health outcomes. The work of this local government department demonstrates the critical role that policy plays in advancing health equity.
D.C.’s Children Law Center is another positive example of health equity innovation in D.C., focusing on children’s health. They partner with district government agencies and community organizations to find and implement solutions and systemic changes. With the goal of supporting family health and education, legal director LaShanda Adams leads a team promoting medical-legal partnerships that take on cases related to housing conditions, housing code violation, and access to special education services for children. Their mission takes a broad approach that looks at the whole child and what they need to grow up with a stable family, good health, and a quality education.
The Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC) in Ward 8 offers a community-centered approach to health equity innovation. THEARC, which is run by Building Bridges Across the River, a nonprofit headed by Rahsaan Bernard, provides a holistic approach to community well-being. This community center recognizes that health is intrinsically linked to all aspects of life and offers health services alongside educational, artistic, and recreational programs. The Skyland Workforce Center, another project of Building Bridges, addresses health equity through the lens of economic opportunity. By providing job training and placement services, they empower community members to secure stable employment, a key factor in achieving better health outcomes.
While these public and private funded initiatives are making a difference, there’s still work to be done by amplifying and replicating these successful initiatives, while also fostering new ones. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the persistent health disparities in D.C., with Black residents comprising 48.1% of cases and over three-quarters of deaths, despite making up only 46% of the population. To truly achieve health equity in D.C. and reduce health disparities, we must build on the progress already made and work towards creating a more equitable health landscape in D.C. In order to do this, we need a sustained, multi-sector approach that addresses the complex web of factors influencing health. This means a heightened commitment to:
- Investing in community-led initiatives that understand and respond to local needs through community-based participatory action research.
- Implementing targeted public policies and programs that address food insecurity, including collaborating with or creating intergenerational food gardens, food banks, farmer market projects, and improving access to quality grocery stores.
- Expanding access to culturally competent training for current and future health professionals serving in under-resourced neighborhoods.
- Fostering and strengthening deeper relationships between government agencies, businesses, community organizations, and nonprofits.
- Supporting workforce development programs that create pathways to economic stability by implementing more career counseling, apprenticeships, professional mentorship programs, and industry certifications or licenses.
As we honor Black History Month, let’s commit to writing a new chapter in D.C.’s history—one in which every resident, regardless of race or zip code, has the opportunity to live a healthy, fulfilling life. The innovations happening in our city show that this change is possible.
As Georgetown students, you have a unique opportunity to contribute to these efforts. To deepen your understanding of the social determinants of health and make a tangible impact, you can intern and volunteer with local organizations, join community-based initiatives, and enroll in courses focused on health equity. Using your voice to bring about change, you can advocate for policy changes, join student organizations focused on health justice, foster open communication, and ensure representation from various backgrounds.Through these efforts, you can help improve the health landscape of the city in which you live, all while focusing on understanding the root causes of health inequities like systemic racism, poverty, and lack of access to resources.
Paving the road to health equity may be challenging, but as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us, “of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhuman.” Let’s heed his words and work together to make D.C. a model of health equity for every Washingtonian.