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I half-heart huckabees

Some movies need to be reviewed in terms of their college-ness.


Love, Tolstoy, and cigars in Anna of the Tropics

It’s doubtful that many living people have had the experience of falling in love in a 1920’s Cuban cigar factory in Florida.


Georgetown Cribs

Hey you, not everyone’s idea of style is the John Belushi COLLEGE poster.


Hoyas anticipate crowds, victory in annual homecoming

This weekend’s homecoming game should prove a test for the slumping Hoyas, who welcome the equally disappointing Keydets from VMI.


By the Numbers and Direct Quote

6 Number of Vice Presidents alive in 2004 98 Age of oldest Vice President when he died 14 Number of Vice Presidents who have been elected President 33 Percentage of... Read more


Space camp: even better than band camp

Last week, mankind made a giant leap forward-again.


Don’t call us, we’ll call you

No longer will families on the Federal “Do-Not-Call” list be confused as to whether the oven is buzzing or the phone is ringing.


Lock ’em out

Last weekend the University implemented new security procedures in the LXR-Nevils-Walsh complex in response to several armed robberies that occurred in West Georgetown over the past two weeks.


The Sports Sermon

If there is a fall equivalent to the first Thursday of March Madness, it’s the first day of the baseball playoffs.


The art of the tailgate

The smell of freshly-cooked eggs and the sounds of early-rising Hoyas drifting toward the keg is a pastime reserved for Georgetown’s Homecoming.


Women’s soccer rides shaky road to respectability

Coming into this season, the Georgetown women’s soccer team (5-5-0 overall, 2-1 BE) had nowhere to go but up.


Bison stampede Hoyas, losing streak reaches four

Despite a strong defensive effort, dismal special teams play and an offense lacking in production, the Georgetown football team (1-4 overall, 0-3 PL) lost 35-19 to Bucknell (3-1 overall, 1-0 PL) Saturday on Harbin Field.


Solid wage increase

Most of Georgetown’s staff goes largely unnoticed by the student body.


Iraq at center of student political debate

The Georgetown College Republicans performed strongly Monday in a debate against the College Democrats over the safety of America in the wake of the Iraq war.


Teh elected as junior class GUSA rep

Kah Yee Teh (SFS ‘06) won Tuesday’s Georgetown University Student Association election for Junior Class Representative.


Another round of RIAA lawsuits begin, subpeonas to follow

The latest wave of the Recording Industry Association of America’s lawsuits began on Tuesday, and at least one Georgetown student became the target of a copyright infringement lawsuit.


Expos exported in likely D.C. move

Major League Baseball announced its decision to move the Montreal Expos to the District of Columbia last Wednesday in a phone call to city hall following a competition among several North American cities.


Criminal upsurge leads to increased security

The Department of Public Safety has decided to impose stricter security policies around three University buildings, after five violent crimes were reported by students in the last month.


GU solidarity triumphs and workers see living wage

After growing pressure from the Georgetown Solidarity Committee’s Living Wage Campaign, Senior Vice President and Administrative Officer Spiros Dimolitsas sent a letter to the GSC detailing a change in University policy towards contract workers Tuesday.


Sex, drugs and sex on drugs


I drag deeply on the mouthpiece, slowly counting down in my head as the acrid fumes fill my lungs, relaxing me. I exhale and lean my head back against my overstuffed chair. I let my eyes lazily drift around the room before slipping the inhaler back into my pocket.


Throwing it into drive

The car roared, wheels spinning, and slammed through the garage wall and straight into my dinning room, knocking the china cabinet over along the way. Apparently, I’d mistakenly hit the gas and now the car, without a scratch on it, sat in my dining room, making a slow, shrill beeping noise.


No whites allowed (but segregationists welcome)?

I wanted the sign as soon as I saw it. My wife and I were attending a black memorabilia fair at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds in Gaithersburg, Maryland last spring, and on my way to the Negro Baseball League gear, I encountered a display of framed “Colored Only” signs that once infamously adorned restrooms, water fountains and other public facilities.


Better than marriage

Gossiping is known to win friends fast and lose them faster.


Rockstar camp

Somewhere in the West Virginia hills there exists a camp.


Portrait of the revolutionary as a young man

Even if you are unfamiliar with the name, you almost certainly know the image.