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GU baseball surpasses 2003 win total

Junior Catcher Andrew Cleary’s two-run homerun was the difference in Georgetown’s 3-1 victory over visiting Navy. The win takes the Hoyas to 11-2 at their home field in Bethesda, Md. (15-11 overall). Senior ace pitcher Kevin Field pitched a one-two-three first inning in his return from a shoulder inning.


Women’s lacrosse holds off devils, riding on top

SPORTS BY VINCENT MCGILL The women’s lacrosse team entered a tough two-week stretch against top-10 opponents this past Sunday against Duke. The no. 2 Hoyas remained undefeated after a highly contested match but the victory was hard fought.


Men’s lacrosse squeaks past Hobart

Entering Saturday’s contest against Hobart, the no. 6 Georgetown men’s lacrosse team knew that they had more to lose by falling than their unheralded opponent. However, head Coach Dave Urick also had particular motivation to win the game, having come to Georgetown from Hobart, where he won 10 consecutive Division III national titles for the school.


A positive shift for MD prisons

The state of Maryland has increased the budget for criminal rehabilitation for the next fiscal year, while decreasing expenditures on prisons. Governor Robert Ehrlich, Jr. announced the plan as a way to reaffirm his administration’s commitment to rehabilitate nonviolent offenders, who consist mostly of drug users.


A taxing decision for DC

Earlier this month, U.S. District Court Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle dismissed a lawsuit filed by Mayor Anthony Williams and the D.C. Council that sought to overturn the the 1974 ban on commuter taxes, which prevent the District from imposing a commuter tax on Maryland and Virginia residents who work in D.


Going for Glory

COVER BY CAMERON SMITH It is 5:45 a.m. when the alarm sounds, and Brad Kuntscher (CAS ‘05) rolls over to momentarily ignore its incessant screeching. He knows he must get up, so he slowly rolls out of bed, throws on the day-old spandex he left out beside his bed, and jogs out the door towards another morning practice on the Potomac.


‘Eternal Sunshine’ lights theaters

Have relationship woes and gripes? Does your girlfiend spend more time decorating potatoes than hanging out with you? Don’t be too quick to complain about idiosyncrasies. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, written with the eerie intelligence of the famed Charlie Kaufman (Adaptation, Being John Malkovich) and directed by Michel Gondry (various Bjork videos), the film clearly executes its message-that perfect relationships are elusive.


Confronting racism … again

COVER BY ROB ANDERSON For the second time in four years, students press the administration to fix Georgetown’s culture of ignorance. Will it work this time?


Hokies cause disappointing end to women’s season

SPORTS BY TIMOTHY FOLLOS 25 minutes of solid basketball weren’t enough for the Georgetown women’s Basketball team to win their Big East Tournament game against Virginia Tech on March 6. A summary of the team’s last game could also serve as an abstract of their entire season: Despite a great effort from senior forward Rebekkah Brunson the Lady Hoyas were edged by slightly superior opposition.


BC finishes off Hoyas season, Esherick

Georgetown’s disappointing season came to expected end in the first round of the Big East tournament with a 68-57 loss to the Boston College. The Eagles used their superior size advantage to win their earlier Big East encounter against the Hoyas and once again utilized their interior size advantage to control the game.


Upcoming Shows (March)

Mar. 18-Black Heart Procession/Enon (Black Cat), $12 Mar. 23-Decemberists/Clearlake (Black Cat), $10 Mar. 23-Grandaddy/Saves the Day/The Fire Theft/Dios (9:30 Club), $25 Mar. 25-Broken Social Scene (Black Cat), $13 Mar. 27-Josh Groban (DAR Constitution Hall), $450 for nosebleeds Mar.


Virtually Lumpish

Despite the fact that I am notorious for moaning that “I’m tired,” not even I am torpid enough to really support the trend of museum putting their collections on-line. For District residents, if we care about what the museum holds, there’s no excuse not to see the real thing.


‘Two Way Monologue,’ Sondre Lerche, Astralwerks

There’s nothing inherently wrong with soft pop. If lyrically interesting and tastefully delivered, bland music can surpass the dull limitations placed on it by the genre. On his sophomore effort, Two Way Monologue,Norwegian songwriter/musician/producer/engineer/wonderboy Sondre Lerche certainly doesn’t press the boundaries of instrumentation and arrangement, but he also isn’t able to create any sense of intimacy.


‘Cellar Door,’ John Vanderslice, Barsuk

It has been widely speculated, most notably in the film Donnie Darko, that “cellar door” is the most beautiful phrase in the English language. Naturally, any musician with the confidence to use these two notable words as the title for his album would be labeling his work as pleasing.


Basketball Coach Esherick Fired

NEWS BY CAMERON SMITH Under increased pressure from angry students and fans, Georgetown University President John DeGioia fired men’s basketball Head Coach Craig Esherick(CAS ‘78 and LAW ‘82) on Monday night. DeGioia announced his decision at 11 p.m. on Tuesday, just 13 hours before a scheduled rally calling for Esherick’s resignation and additional funding for the men’s program.


‘Kitchens Stories’ Ikea’s Grandmother?

Remaining neutral in World War II, socialist Sweden emerges unscathed, an industrial power with plenty to offer mankind—they start by reinventing the kitchen. In the notoriously Scandinavian obsession with design and function that follows, the fictional Swedish Home Research Institute turns cooking into an exact science.


‘The Balcony’ shows off assets

LEISURE BY ADAM FRISOLI Dressed only in black bras and mini-skirts, dancers gyrate provocatively in time to to Britney Spears’ “I’m a Slave 4 U.” No, it’s not your regularly-scheduled TV programming, it’s Nomadic Theatre’s production of Jean Genet’s The Balcony, where sex reigns supreme.


Smoking, out

Thanks to the results of the latest alcohol survey, we now know that Georgetown students drink moderately even though they still perceive that the “normal” Hoya drinks excessively. Students Marketing Under-Represented Facts are trying to change this perception, not to prevent moderate drinkers from going wild, but to make the few who do drink too much feel like social deviants.


Spring Break Blotter

A burglar robbed a Georgetown University student’s Village A apartment, on March 10. The thief entered through an unlocked door in the early evening, while the student was at home. The student reported to the Department of Public Safety that a laptop computer, a DVD player, an XBox controller and a blue backpack were stolen.


‘Passion’ controversy ignites Georgetown

NEWS BY CHRIS STANTON The whirlwind of controversy and excitement surrounding the record-breaking blockbuster The Passion of the Christ swept onto campus Tuesday as a diverse slice of the Georgetown community shared their reactions to Mel Gibson’s newest film in a panel discussion.


GU Prof, Film Critic Dies in D.C.

Former Georgetown English professor and film critic, Joel E. Siegel, passed away from spinal meningitis on Thursday. Siegel taught at Georgetown for over three decades and introduced film studies classes to the university. He retired in 1998.

But teaching was only his day job.


University housing to be smoke-free

Get ready to smoke your last cigarette indoors. After this year, smoking in any of the University’s buildings will be banned, leaving smokers to the mercy of the elements.

The Office of Housing and Residence Life, in conjunction with Interhall and the Housing Advisory Council, has recently decided to change the University’s smoking policy.


Skipping rocks across “the pond”

“I wish I was back in Barcelona! Its fantastic there, the people are so beautiful! The sun is always shining and the culture is fabulous!” Jane Hoya is especially enthusiastic about her dearest Espa?a, and it sounds like a very nice place, but I sure am tired of hearing about it.


Keyboard confessional

VOICES BY ROB ANDERSON Forgive me Father for I have sinned. I’ve stopped going to confession. Well, I haven’t stopped, but I don’t go to a priest anymore. See, there’s this website now, Father. It’s called It’s just, I don’t know, a lot less awkward than honestly confessing my sins to an 80-year-old man sworn to a life of poverty and chastity.


Eagle Scouts gone wild

“And now we … we … uh…” Armando stepped down from the podium to confer with Scoutmaster Miller. The two huddled together against the church basement’s wall, seemingly unaware that they were in plain sight of the forty or so individuals assembled. Uncomfortable silence filled the room as the ceremony to induct my good friend John into that venerable brotherhood, the Eagle Scouts, ground to a halt for the third time in the ten minutes it had lasted thus far.