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A plum village of the mind (more clich?s)

Early October, the south of France. I lay languidly, rocking from side to side in my hammock, the Mediterranean sun streaking through the dense foliage, a gentle breeze gusting through the vineyards, carrying the smell of fresh figs and the last remnants of late morning mist.


Tripping Out

I don’t know about the everyone at Georgetown, but apparently the majority of us are type-A personalities?as evidenced by the chain-smoking, coffee guzzling, stressed-out zombies huddled in hooded sweatshirts, death-gripping their cell phones, outside of Lauinger Library every night.


Cross country prepares for NCAAs

The Georgetown men’s and women’s cross country teams will begin their final preparations for the NCAA Championships with two significant meets in the next three weeks?the Pre-NCAA meet at Indiana State University in Terre Haute, Ind. on Oct. 19 and the Big East Championship on Nov.


Worth it for the parking alone

With a potential $323 million budget deficit on its hands, the D.C. Council is looking for new ways to increase revenue. What better way to bring the city money then by raising parking fines? Well, how about expanding the city’s free parking privileges to include even more District employees at the same time?

According to the Washington Times, more than 1,000 city employees now enjoy parking perks.


At least they don’t sell crack

The Britney concert sold out before you realized she was coming to town. Dad wouldn’t let you charge those Caps tickets on his American Express. For whatever reason, you find yourself ticketless, standing in front of the MCI Center, talking to a guy on the sidewalk who is offering you decent seats for five bucks over what you would have paid at the box office.


Radio free Georgetown

All radio stations, whether they are broadcast over AM/FM or the Internet, pay a royalty of 3.5 percent of all revenues to songwriters and producers. But now, the implementation of new royalty fees for Internet radio stations is putting the future of small stations like Georgetown’s WGTB in danger.


First-year elections still uncertain

Georgetown University Student Association representatives voted Wednesday night to leave the certification of GUSA first-year election results tabled until further notice. Due to allegations of racially offensive campaigning during the election, certification was originally delayed last week by GUSA to allow for further inquiry into possible misconduct.


Babes in sniperland

Last week, Jon Stewart was breaking down the complexities of the news on The Daily Show?specifically the in, outs and what-have-yous of the potential war with Iraq. He discussed a barrage of acts including the War Powers Act, an anti-terrorism act and then the Sleater-Kinney Act.


Scoping the sniper

With the recent shootings in the D.C. suburbs, many residents are obviously concerned for their safety. We at Voice Leisure are likewise concerned about your safety, so we recommend that everyone avoid such everyday activities as filling your car with gas and shopping at Home Depot.


Wilco reaps fruits of success, yuppies

Like conquering heroes surveying their newly-won realm, Wilco came to the 9:30 Club earlier this week for a pair of sold-out dates. After the impressive critical and commercial success of the band’s latest album, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, as well as a well-received film documenting its making and the band’s most extensive mainstream press coverage to date, Wilco has reached a decidedly new audience since its swing through D.


The Sports Sermon

Check it, boys and girls:

Some people out there (read: Georgetown’s “newspaper” of record) were hating on the playoffs because, well, they’re supposedly boring without any “stars.” We’re here to prove to you that these playoffs, sans Yankees they may be, are actually pretty damn instense.


Not as mad

It is a sad day for Georgetown and for Georgetown basketball fans when almost every college basketball team in the country holds Midnight Madness except us. That day came last Friday night/early Saturday morning for the Hoyas, as most other NCAA Division I teams kicked off their seasons in celebration, bringing fans, ex-players and coaches together to show off their talents and get geared up for an exciting year of college hoops.


Sandler takes serious turn

“I don’t like myself sometimes. Can you help me?” It’s jarring to hear this statement from the mouth of Adam Sandler. It indicates a self-awareness hardly characteristic of the clown prince of the stupid male comedy. Audiences have come to expect violence and profanity but not sensitive pleading.


Arena hits with Misanthrope

Picture it: An obsequious throng seeks to curry favor from the higher-ups. The ambitious and the career-obsessed unflinchingly spout false compliments in order to get ahead. And anyone who rejects this system of self-serving superficiality and farce, but instead feels compelled to always speak the truth, is reviled as an aberration.


Self-care guide available online

Health Education Services posted a new Students’ Self-Care Guide online two weeks ago, providing a new resource for students to use in making informed decisions about their health.

The guide contains information on common health problems such as the flu and sports injuries, and also has a “Playing it Safe” section that includes information on alcohol and drug safety as well as sexual health and other tests and immunizations.


Hoop dreams

It’s dark and quiet in the lobby of McDonough Gymnasium 15 minutes before the men’s basketball team holds open tryouts for the 2002-03 season. The only sound is the pacing of the six students inside. Every few minutes, someone stops to admire one of the trophy cases.


Library lounge renovation begins

The second floor lounge of Lauinger Library will be closed for renovation from this coming Monday until the end of the semester. This renovation, supported by the library and Students of Georgetown, Inc., will include the installation of a new coffeehouse, “The Midnight Mug,” more comfortable seating, new flooring and paint and better lighting.


Football wins second of season

Football (2-4 overall, 0-3 Patriot League)?Georgetown football pulled off its second win of the season last Saturday, edging Davidson College 25-21 at Davidson, N.C. The Hoyas came back from an eight-point third quarter deficit to snap a two-game losing streak.


Look at the fish, Daddy!

A five-year-old boy runs around the small pond, pointing excitedly into the water. “Look at the fish, Daddy!” he says, while standing precariously on the rocks lining the pond. Lying discreetly beside him, almost hidden by the grass, is a brass plaque dedicating the water memorial to a Georgetown student from his friends and family.


Students participate in death penalty awareness

Georgetown’s Campaign to End the Death Penalty student group is observing Death Penalty Awareness Week, which began as an idea by Georgetown students two years ago and became a nationally observed event last year.

Two years ago, members of the group had the idea to designate one week of the year as a time to raise awareness about issues surrounding the death penalty.


Georgetown to develop Arabic dialect programs

Georgetown’s Arabic Department will offer a class in the Iraqi dialect of Arabic during the three-week pre-session before summer classes next year. Professors are currently developing a course after receiving $180,000 in grant money from a U.S. Department of Education to the National Capital Language Resource Center.


Gonzalez announces plan to hire new assistant

Vice President for Student Affairs Juan Gonzalez announced Wednesday his intention to appoint Mary Dluhy as Special Assistant to the Vice President. Last March, Gonzalez created the position of Special Assistant to review the services provided by the University for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.


We fear evil, for the Lord is not with us

They say we are given to experience God’s will only in very small ways. Well, dude, I ain’t feeling it at all. I’m pretty sure, in fact, that the will of God is entirely absent from my Henle home. No, I have not found Jesus, and I doubt he would dare set foot in my apartment, for the good Lord would shudder at the crime against nature that is Georgetown’s housing arrangements.


Now back it up

You might have heard of “Minnesota Nice,” but as far as I’m concerned, it stops right where my personal bubble starts. Throughout my childhood, I didn’t like to touch people in public. I’m not talking about regular public displays of affection, although I rarely support that either.


Letter to the Editor

I read with interest your editorial “Time to ask and tell” (Oct. 10, 2002). There are real costs to integrating the openly gay into the ranks. This is not to say that those costs may not be worthy of the goal, but let’s fully understand the ramifications of what you are advocating.