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Louder than Bombs

While I’m sure most of you enjoyed vegetating in the suburbs for the past two weeks as much I have, it sure is great to be back in the big city. Or is it? ... Like you, I went to class today. After a period of thought, I realized due to the shortened winter break this year, I haven’t forgotten enough from last semester to facilitate the absorption of new knowledge.


Grammy nominations disappoint (again)

Last Friday, The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences released its nominees for the 2002 Grammy Awards Ceremony to be held on Feb. 27 in Los Angeles. Doing so proved that, once again, record sales?not artistic innovation or quality?reign supreme in the annual selection process.


Deep blues take Arena Stage

Do you think the blues are dead? Think again. The blues are alive and well, not only in their original forms, but also in the music they have inspired for the past 80 years. With their wholly original rhythmic and lyrical styles, the blues have influenced the formation of jazz, gospel, hip-hop and, of course, rock and roll.


A different holiday homecoming

I think I realized I had changed somewhere outside of Dallas, speeding towards Kansas City about 30,000 feet above the earth. As I sat wedged between a nicely-dressed businessman and a college student from George Washington University, I attempted to sleep but could not avoid overhearing their conversation about this student’s first semester away from home.


A funny thing happened during finals

Maybe it’s a trite opening, but I’m going to use it anyway. I had an interesting week.

It started last year (OK, so it was in 2001, but I figure it’s a more exciting intro if I say last year?gives it that sort of historical flavor).

I had been dating a girl from Duke, whom I’d met while interning at the State Department over the summer.


A dangerous train of thought

I saw them as soon as I sat down. They were just one row in front of me and across the aisle. South Asian, maybe? Pakistani? They spoke in hushed voices in a language I couldn’t readily identify. What I could hear of their whispers didn’t sound like Arabic but might have been Pashto or Dari or Urdu.


Tommy Girl

I swore off Tommy Girl because the scent caused me great humiliation?romantic humiliation?my sophomore year of high school. It was during the last 10 minutes of a varsity basketball game at my school when the embarrassing incident took place. Knowing that my Romantic Interest had left the gym for a Sprite, I made the stragetic decision to walk across the gym floor, towards the girls’ bathroom?the intersection was precise.


Focus on students

In a way, Sept. 11 froze the University in time and helped devalue most other occurrences on campus. And though it would be wrong to say that, as we enter a new year, that these tragic events will not continue to have a major impact on this campus, it would also be wrong to shortchange important events.


10-year plan reviewed by BZA

The Board of Zoning Adjustment will revisit the University’s 10-year campus plan in order to educate new board members about the current policy and code of conduct for students living off campus.

Two members are completely new to the board, including chair Geoffrey Griffis.


Vice president and treasurer leaves

After eight years of service, Vice President and Treasurer Nicole Mandeville has left Georgetown, President John DeGioia announced last week. Mandeville’s last day was Dec. 31.

“Nicole has served with distinction since 1993 and has led the University’s Office of Financial Affairs during a period of change and challenges,” DeGioia stated in a letter to high-level administrators announcing Mandeville’s resignation.


American Muslims support Bush

The results of the first ever systematic poll of American Muslims showed that President George W. Bush received a 58 percent approval rating for his handling of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The results of the survey also show that two-thirds of the American Muslims surveyed agree with the Bush administration’s assertion that the U.


Cameras at local intersection

To deter theft, robbery and help identify suspects, local Georgetown businesses have installed a video surveillance camera last month on the roof of Banana Republic, at the corner of M Street and Wisconsin Avenue.

According to Lt. Brian Bray of the Metropolitan Police Department, the Georgetown Business Professional Association as well as local store owners organized the surveillance camera project in an attempt to encourage people to patronize their businesses.


New emergency response position created

In December, President John J. DeGioia appointed Don Jones to the newly-created position of Special Assistant to the President for Emergency Preparedness in December. Jones will be responsible for designing, implementing and maintaining the University’s plans for emergency situations.


Senator sends his support of GLBT center

U.S Senator Richard J. Durbin (SFS ‘66, LAW ‘69) sent an inquiry to Georgetown President John J. DeGioia concerning the proposed center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered students. The Illinois Democrat’s letter is in response to the resource center organizers’ campaign to gather support from alumni and friends for their cause.


Service fraternity angry over new van policy

The Center for Social Justice has received complaints about changes made to its van-lending policies enforced at the beginning of last semester. Service fraternity Alphi Phi Omega members filed an appeal to the center in December after what they believed was an unfair suspension of their van rights.


Willingham faces challenges at ND

I was never very good at choosing schools, so maybe I shouldn’t be writing this piece. In second grade, I got in a huge fight with my best friend Matt Kamen (now one of the top swimmers in the Ivy League, by the way) about something or the other. That same day, I got accepted to Saint David’s, an elite elementary school three blocks from my house.


Wear Capes

Desperate times have come to Georgetown University.

As students everywhere return from an abbreviated end of semester break, we are confronted with difficulties both old and new. Unfortunately, the old problems? huge lines at the bookstore, Jamaican jerk pork at New South, off-campus rent payments, arduous and unsuccessful textbooks searches and the like?somehow seem worse this year than they have in previous ones.


Men’s lacrosse gears up

The Georgetown men’s lacrosse team will be relying on strong senior leadership and exciting young talent as it works toward its goal of a third straight ECAC conference championship and a berth in the NCAA tournament this spring.

Head Coach Dave Urick is looking to the four senior captains?midfielders Steve Dusseau, Mike Harney, and Mike Kanach, and goalie Scott Schroeder?to guide the team both on and off the field.


Esherick: “We need to turn the corner.”

The Hoyas came out swinging against Rutgers University on Jan. 6, at one point holding an 18-point lead in the first half.

The hot start by the Hoyas was in stark contrast to their opening run against UCLA six days prior, when they “started off terribly” in the words of Head Coach Craig Esherick.


The Sports Sermon

It was a tough Christmas break for us here at the Sermon going home and hearing questions from our “friends” like:

“Sweetney had how many points against Virginia?”

“Did UCLA get 20 bonus points at the beginning of the game because of your ugly blue uniforms?”

“Miami just won the FOOTBALL championship, but they beat you in BASKETBALL?”

“What’s this I hear about some guy named Herve?”

Yes, the battered and bruised Hoyas lost four straight over break, including two against mid-level Big East teams and will face last year’s Big East Champion, Boston College, in Boston on Saturday.


Jordan saves world

It was an average night for Michael Jordan in an average NBA game Tuesday night against the Clippers. Jordan threw down a quiet 18 points, 10 rebounds and eight assists for the Wizards and most of the arena was thinking more about the fourth quarter heroics of the Wizards’ Popeye Jones and Chris Whitney than Jordan’s performance.

Free Unclassifieds

Free Unclassifieds

No, you suck.

Seniors, we’re 7/8 of the way there … That’s only 3/24 left.

Hope the Euro is treating everyone well abroad.

Squeaky says poop.

Al?I miss going insane with you. Please hurry back!?Betty

Shout out to Voice foreign particles: Lizzy, Shawna, Kate, Peter, Cara, Eric, Julia, Gina.



If you are experiencing some of the following symptoms: intrusive thoughts of a trauma, disturbed sleep, flash-backs, feeling numb, avoiding reminders of a traumatic event, increased heart rate, heavy sweating and feeling jumpy, you may be suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and you may qualify for a research study which involves taking drugs which are approved by the FDA for depression.


The Big Picture

The Big Picture


Finding Solutions to Taxation without Representation

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution reads, “The Congress shall have power ? To exercise exclusive Legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding 10 miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States ? ” In March 2001, Rep.