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Student leaders discuss student discrimination

Student leaders from from various District universities gathered Wednesday at Georgetown to discuss city-wide responses to the tragic events of Sept. 11 and to coordinate future efforts against what are... Read more


GPB: good but what next?

New Yorkers and Americans thank New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and appreciate his leadership following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. His efforts have clearly made the healing process... Read more


Rebuilding means moving on

New Yorkers and Americans thank New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and appreciate his leadership following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. His efforts have clearly made the healing process... Read more


Speaking out…why not?

The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 have generated intense national feelings across the country. The majority of Americans are directing these feelings against the perceived “enemy,”?i.e. Osama bin Laden, his... Read more


A Kenyan in the district

I was born, brought up and still live in Kenya. Kenya, if you don’t know, is a country just below the Horn of East Africa, as opposed to a small... Read more


Happy Thanksgiving, eh?

This Monday, when students and faculty all over campus awake and honor Columbus, who sailed across the ocean blue to discover the New World and infest it with smallpox, their... Read more


Touching Turkey

I always wondered why I never had very many close male friends. I think I found the answer in Turkey. Culture is a funny thing. Sometimes you never notice an... Read more


A life. Requiem.

On Wednesday, Sept. 26, Ohio State University first-year soccer player Connor Senn collapsed during a game. He never got back up. Connor was my cousin. Connor is my cousin. Connor... Read more


Amos’ StrangeNew Album

Sept. 18 was an important day for Tori Amos fans everywhere, as it marked the release of her new album, Strange Little Girls.Debuting as the No. 1 album in the... Read more



Movies can soothe the anguished minds of a people in trouble. After the ‘20s roared by, Americans could pay a quarter to ride on the tails of Fred Astaire or... Read more


Lezh’er Ledger

Recent tragic events have resuscitated debate regarding civil liberties in America. Accordingly, many have expressed worry that law enforcement agencies will gain further power to tap phone lines, detain suspects... Read more


Roots rock. Blackalicious, not so much.

I dunno. Maybe it was just the acoustics … As an admitted suburban white boy born to liberal parents (admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery),... Read more


Cheap Dates

A question: Who goes to the movies anymore? Hollywood hasn’t been turning out much in the way of compelling product as of late. Not only that, but as far as... Read more


Jessie Arbogast has nothing on these Sharks

The Voice was going to write another edition in the spotty but oh-so-glorious history of “Da Scoop” this week, but something far more pressing came up. The NHL season began.... Read more


Ah Yates, how do I love thee?

“He fakes, he drives, he slips?” Oh yeah, my bad. I forgot that there was a towel and cone there. I should have avoided the huge puddle in the middle... Read more


NFL Talks

I dunno how many of you read the ever-glorious Sermon last week. I did and now, simply to prove that I’m funnier than my esteemed editor, I’m going to do... Read more


Hoyas fail to contain scorers, fall to ODU

The Hoyas used a sound defensive strategy to try to contain high-scoring Old Dominion in Tuesday’s men’s soccer match at Harbin Field, but the Monarchs’ firepower was too much to... Read more


The Sports Sermon

Ladies and gentlemen, I have seen the state of D.C. sports and it is good. For your athletic enjoyment and perpetual glee, this city has it all: There’s Michael Jordan,... Read more


Demonstrating Dissent:

To Jennifer Smith of Philadelphia, things did not seem all that different at first standing on 16th Street in Columbia Heights on Friday night. “It seems like all the same... Read more


Younger wisdom

What does the average Georgetown student have in common with a fifth grader from a coastal French town? Not very much, most would say at first glance. But the dozens... Read more


New boat house for crew team

A new boat house for Georgetown’s crew team is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2003. Due to increased interest in crew, the team has outgrown the space... Read more


Students gather to protest violence

Prompted by the threat of U.S. military action in Afghanistan, Georgetown Solidarity staged a demonstration to protest violence against innocent civilians. The event was part of peace demonstrations last Thursday... Read more


Drinan emphasizes human rights

The focus on human rights has become a worldwide one, according to Robert S. Drinan, S.J., a Georgetown Law Center professor and former Democratic Congressman from Massachusetts, who spoke Tuesday... Read more


GUSA requires residence inspections be public

On Tuesday, Georgetown University Student Association representatives unanimously passed two amended resolutions, the first changing procedure regarding residence hall and apartment damage inspection and the second instating notification of policy... Read more


Albright discusses options after terrorist attacks

The United States should use a combination of diplomacy, economics and the military to respond to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, said former Secretary of State and Georgetown professor... Read more