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Your favorite full-service feature of this gray box is on top of things this month. It’s February, the post-NFL, All-Star-Game-filled month of cold weather and important birthday’s (mine). Pro Bowl.... Read more


Free my addiction

Hi, my name is Rachel, and I am an addict. I guess it all started years ago when my family purchased a computer featuring something new, something exciting, something revolutionary... Read more


Imperfect, yet perfect: poetry

“And it was at that age … Poetry arrived in search of me. I don’t know, I don’t know where it came from, from winter or a river. I don’t... Read more


The whole world in your backyard

I came to Georgetown for the diversity. The place sounded great, the number of international students was impressive and the options for study abroad were numerous. Coming from a relatively... Read more


God I hated growing up

Over winter break, I had a discussion with a guy I had started seeing, Mike, about whether or not it was a wise idea to raise children with religion. My... Read more


Hoyas: Are they for choice?

The battle between Georgetown as a Catholic institution and as a university is perhaps nowhere better shown than in the abortion debate. Georgetown has walked a tightrope between academic freedom... Read more


Mass-holes match Milton

The Georgetown Voice, in conjunction with the Slackers everywhere, presents a monthly feature in which we find two beings who would never encounter each other in the wild and pit... Read more


Ashcroft and friends

This weekend brings a curious mix of musical talent to the area. Thursday evening will see the arrival of Richard Ashcroft at the 9:30 Club. Formerly of The Verve, Ashcroft... Read more


Deep in snatch

Not since Fear and Loathing has a movie affected my chosen lifestyle so profoundly. In that case, back in 1997, I walked real funny, wrote meandering pieces like this one... Read more


Beer, baby

Quintessential to college life, right?? Some might say that nothing else makes a weekend night quite like a six-pack of Natty Lite. But as you pound down yet another one... Read more


GU opens Justice Center

Last Thursday, Kathleen Maas Weigert, the recently appointed director of Georgetown’s Center for Social Justice Research, spoke about her plans for the newly formed program and the impact that she... Read more


Nomadic bends skills

While the atrocities committed against the Jews during the Holocaust are widely acknowledged and condemned, the stories of Hitler’s other victims are often overlooked. Through his drama Bent, Martin Sherman... Read more


Privacy, please

Thanks to Georgetown … I have a brand new credit card from MBNA. It looks pretty nice; it has a picture of Georgetown, the Visa logo and most of my... Read more


Owner of a lonely heart

After the last time I wrote, one of my professors described my article as having one of the “eternal themes of youth.” My friends give me a hard time because... Read more


Vive le maire!

The District of Columbia has long been plagued with idiosyncrasies that belie even the best attempts at explanation. The federal government is the city’s largest landholder, but it pays no... Read more


Students to bartend at Hoya’s

Student bartenders will be reinstated on the Georgetown campus this Thursday in an effort to facilitate community building, said Brian Walsh (CAS ‘02). In conjunction with Late Night at Leavey... Read more


Four cases of arson in Village C

Four fires were ignited in Village C dormitory causing damage to University and student property on the morning of January 26, 2001. Two D.C. Fire Inspectors who responded to the... Read more


Yard to hold referendum

Supporters of a group which wants to radically change the current system of student government have collected enough signatures to hold a school-wide referendum, according to one of the group... Read more


ANC votes against four liquor licenses

The Advisory Neighborhood Council recommended that Alcohol Board of Control not renew the liquor licenses of several Georgetown bars at a meeting on Tuesday. Four bars sought to renew their... Read more


Zone key to neutralizing Georgetown offense

If there is one thing to blame for the Hoyas’ recent struggles, it is zone defense. Both Notre Dame and Syracuse used zone to neutralize the Hoyas dominant low-post players... Read more


Hoyas stumble in thick of Big East play

The men’s basketball team had a few problems this week. After defeating UNLV Thursday at the MCI center, the Hoyas had their first losing streak of the season, dropping the... Read more


Georgetown student robbed at gunpoint

A Georgetown student was robbed at gunpoint at approximately 9:30 p.m. Monday on the 1900 block of 38th street, according to police. The suspect stole Kathleen Kingsbury’s (SFS ’01) wallet... Read more


The Sports Sermon

Following in the tradition of much of the 1990s, the Super Bowl was once again not Super in the least (you can only get so many one-armed goal line tackles... Read more


Twister was never this fun

As I write this, my shoulders are aching, a tiny muscle in my back is going into its tenth spasm of the hour and I’m sitting up straighter than I... Read more



From 16-0 to 17-3. It’s been a rough two weeks for the basketball team. The seemingly invincible team that turned Seton Hall from the tough new team with the bright... Read more