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Donations to benefit student activities

Alumni will receive a solicitation later this week asking for donations for student activities. The solicitation will allow alumni who have graduated in the past 10 years to donate money... Read more


First GUSA funding board meets

The funding board of the Georgetown University Student Association was called for the first time ever this Wednesday. The funding board was established by the GUSA’s funding proposal that was... Read more


Residence halls to be locked 24 hours a day

Doors to University residence halls will be locked 24 hours a day starting in the near future, University officials said. Students will only be able to gain unaccompanied access to... Read more


Sweep of local bars leads to student arrests

Twenty-two Georgetown students were arrested over the St. Patrick’s Day weekend by the Metropolitan Police Department at four Georgetown bars. Last Thursday night, 18 students were charged with underage possession... Read more


Yard referendum cancelled for March vote

Supporters of the Yard Student Association have requested a postponement of the Yard Referendum. The supporters plan to pursue the Yard reform next year, said Nate Willems (SFS ‘01), co-chair... Read more


Crash and burn

It is no wonder that our generation used to say that we wanted to be astronauts when we grew up. They are really smart and have really high-tech plans. Look at the case of the Mir space station (even though it was built by non-capitalist pigs). The way the Russians have decided to retire the space station is pure genius.


Dippity doo ball

To participate in last Friday night’s most prominent on-campus activity, a student needed all of the following: blankets, toothbrush, CDs, textbooks, several tolerable companions, food, drink, patience, copious self-restraint, the competitive spirit necessary to eventually possess one of 1,000 tickets that sold out by Saturday morning and, most importantly, plenty of time.


Playing the name game

$400,000 is a lot of money. $400,000 could provide a lot in the way of transportation improvements for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority. $400,000 is also the amount of money that Republic Representative Robert L. Barr, Jr. (Ga.) wants Metro to spend renaming the “National Airport” station to “Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport” station. Doing so also “honors” the former president?he would no doubt be impressed by a Metro stop bearing his name.


The battle of D.C. heads to Anaheim

Point Guard Maryland’s Steve Blake is a solid point guard, who has improved his ability to score on his own this season. He does a great job of organizing his... Read more


Oh the weather outside …

I am so incredibly tired of this weather—not so much because it’s wet and cold, not even because on a bad day my nipples get hard enough to cut diamond;... Read more


Here kitty, kitty

I miss my cat. My little boo-boo bear is lonely at home without me. I feel so badly for her. I really miss her, and I’m pretty sure she misses... Read more


Letters to the editor

There are a number of mistruths and misrepresentations in the editorial concerning the Senior Class Gift (“Don’t Leave School Without It?” March 15, 2001). First, the money raised for the... Read more


Rock and roll all night

Happiness abounds on campus. The men’s basketball team is going to the Sweet 16. Nat Burton is God. Uh-oh. I just took God out of our University. Maybe, as many... Read more


Don’t wanna grow up

I’m starting to think I have a problem. As a little kid, I was obsessed with every book in the Wizard of Oz series. I read them so often, I... Read more


The Sports Sermon

The Serm wondered about its past this week, and when we say wondered, we of course mean that we had to question where exactly we were during the 1970s. Why,... Read more


It ain’t easy being green

The scene went down like this: After having made my way over to the Leavey Center on a lonely weekend afternoon, I found myself waiting at the bank of elevators... Read more


The Answer

My girlfriend wants an Allen Iverson sweatshirt. I want a Nat Burton jersey. With one shot, Burton stopped being the best 6’4” player that doesn’t ever shoot three pointers and... Read more



Sports are designed to break your heart, whether you be an athlete or a fan. Ultimately, players get old, dynasties crumble and teams continue to choke. But if sports break... Read more


The Evolution of Rock ‘n’ Roll in the Nation’s Capitol

The smell seemed to stick out most clearly in people’s minds. It was “not unpleasant,” said Ryan McCormick, and “lingered on clothing.” In fact, he kept the T-shirt that he... Read more


Make art, not war

On the side of the building across the street is a sign that reads: “NOW! It is time to come to church and to God.” Across the Street from this... Read more


I call you a foo’ to yo’ face

No, I did not attend “Mr. T. Tells It Like It Is” this past St Patrick’s Day. Instead I was insulted (and rightfully so) by one of four singers of... Read more


The Shiny Bald Guy

This article exists because every year many of us fool ourselves, for just a few weeks, into thinking that the Oscars are something other than a huge joke. Beautiful people... Read more


A Brassy Blonde

Ever since Blondie’s “Rapture” dropped as one of the first recorded rap tracks, rock bands have had valid reason to lay claim to hip-hop. The pollinization has run both ways;... Read more


Portrait of the Artist as a prisoner

A man dives off a dock behind a police station into the wind-whipped Carribean Sea. A grainy, shuddering Castro articulates upon the finer points of revolutionary necessity while his beard... Read more


Yard referendum cancelled for March vote

Supporters of the Yard Student Association have requested a postponement of the Yard Referendum. The supporters plan to pursue the Yard reform next year, said Nate Willems (SFS ‘01), co-chair... Read more