Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is the official opinion of the Georgetown Voice. Its current composition can be found on the masthead. The Board strives to publish critical analyses of events at both Georgetown and in the wider D.C. community. We welcome everyone from all backgrounds and experience levels to join us!


Nothing can stop UIS (except spam)

UIS must continue to expand its capacity in order to preempt the next incident rather than scrambling to react to it.


Disappointing in any language

The recent changes to the SFS language proficiency requirement threaten to produce less-prepared graduates and eventually damage the SFS’ top-notch reputation.


You are not connected to the internet

Georgetown may be famous for its networking potential, but unfortunately for Hoyas, our wireless internet network is nothing to brag about.


Sex, lies, and the Republican Party

If the GOP weren’t so steadfast about condemning homosexuality, Craig would have been able to express his sexuality in an appropriate and lawful way, instead of covertly propositioning a plainclothes police officer.


A Rhee of hope for D.C. schools?

In order for Mayor Adrian Fenty’s much-publicized school takeover to actually be a success, though, completed textbook orders must be the rule, rather than an exception.


Roy looks tiny from the upper level

The Athletic Department should give Hoya fans the opportunity to watch their classmates play ball close.


Some GERMS are worth spreading

Students and neighbors should recognize all that GERMS does to keep us all safe.


Register for your right to party

We like to think of Georgetown as a “work hard, play hard” school, but last May an e-mail from Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson informed the student body that Georgetown would be cracking down on the play part of the equation this year.


Rocco’s Georgetown Life

Being the new kid in school is tough. In middle school it means devastating nicknames and getting pantsed in gym class. For Georgetown’s new Vice President for Safety and Security, Rocco DelMonaco, Jr., it means adjusting to a campus of several thousand college students.


Penn who? We’re so hot right now

Money can’t buy us love, but it could buy Georgetown a better U.S. News and World Report ranking. Since 1983, the magazine has published a list of the country’s “best” colleges, fueling college-application fervor nationwide. This month, U.S. News ranked Georgetown 23rd for the second straight year. Whether or not Hoyas admit it, most are dissatisfied with that number. When it comes to college rankings, a school’s financial resources play a big part.But because Georgetown’s endowment and alumni giving trail behind those of other schools, the University lags unfairly behind in the rankings.