Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is the official opinion of the Georgetown Voice. Its current composition can be found on the masthead. The Board strives to publish critical analyses of events at both Georgetown and in the wider D.C. community. We welcome everyone from all backgrounds and experience levels to join us!


Girls just wanna have amendments

Sometimes, it’s just plain hard to be a woman.


Get off at the last stop: Howard

Not many Georgetown students hop on the G2 Metro bus to get to Howard University’s campus.


Thanks to you, we are Georgetown

There are 679 members in the facebook.com group “2007: The Year of the Hoyas,” 439 in the group “If you don’t like Georgetown, you must also hate Christmas morning,” and 541 in the group “Where do you go to school? That sucks, I go to GEORGETOWN.”


If you’re rich, you’re HOT

Rich and friendless drivers who enviously watch vehicles in the carpool lane blaze by during their rush hour crawl on I-495 will soon get their turn to hop into the fast lane.


The Funny Third: Jaywalking, an American right

Metro is at it again. No longer content to oppress the masses of D.C. through the enforcement of open container laws, underage curfews, and that pesky handgun ban, this month D.C.’s police will be cracking down on a new segment of our population that includes teachers, firemen, heroes and even you and me—jaywalkers.


Mo’ Money, less problems

On Tuesday in Red Square, Georgetown Solidarity Committee students banged bongos, shook tambourines, stood on milk crates and shouted slogans.


College journalists can fix NCAA polls

As Georgetown goes to the Sweet 16 this weekend, everyone from CEOs to train conductors are sweating over their NCAA Tournament brackets in the hope of winning their pool.


Bong hits for freedom of speech

In 2002, as the Olympic torch made its way through Juneau, Alaska, a local high school was outside cheering on the runner.


Unstrand spring breakers

Returning to the Hilltop from spring break, students get off the Rosslyn Metro stop and gather at the GUTS bus station a block away.


Don’t shoot down District’s gun ban

In 1976, the District of Columbia passed one of the nation’s strictest gun laws, prohibiting handguns and severely restricting rifles and shotguns.