Evalyn Lee

Evalyn Lee is a Voices Assistant Editor and a sophomore studying English, Art History, and French. She comes from the Chicagoland area but prefers the New York slice over Deep Dish. When she isn't writing something, she is listening to obscure indie artists on Spotify.


Ask Voices – Valentine’s Day Edition

This Valentine’s Day, the opinion section decided to do what we do best: give unfounded love advice and, of course, lots of opinions to some totally real hopeless romantics from... Read more


D.C.’s Shia: The seeds of restaurant worker organizing

After my 12-hour waitressing shift, my feet throbbed, my hair smelled like bacon grease, and my hands were raw from cleaning trays under hot water. As I walked back to... Read more


Dead or alive: Does Instagram determine our existence?

I no longer exist…on Instagram. My friends have texted me messages along the lines of “Did you delete Instagram? So-and-so was asking if you were dead!” With our end-of-semester photo... Read more