Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


For Those About to ROCK, We Salute You

Musicians prepare to go on stage to benefit D.C. Schools after weeks of intense preparation.


4,000 applications received for early action spots

Georgetown undergraduate early admissions have recovered from last year’s temporary decline in applications, according to statistics released by University admissions officials earlier this month.


Study abroad in Israel reinstated

The threat of instability in the Middle East will no longer deter Georgetown students from studying in Israel beginning this summer.


Booker prize shortlist announced at Georgetown

Lauinger Library played host to the publication of the 18 finalists for the first ever Man Booker International prize last Friday afternoon, which will be awarded in June 2005 in London.


In the wake of the Jan. 30 Iraqi elections

“I want the roots to grab hold. The case of Iraq is special, but I’m concerned. Is democracy really something we could expect?”


Re-imagining Georgetown

The “Re-Imagining Service at Georgetown” initiative and “The Run for Rigby” project have been awarded $2,500 and $1,500 respectively to subsidize their goals for the coming year.


Memorial service

With the Copley Formal Lounge filled almost to capacity, the Georgetown community gathered Wednesday to mourn the passing of Professor Hisham Sharabi.


Liberty from Leavey

The Voice’s bigger, uglier sister publication is all grown up and asking to move out from under the University’s wing.


Re-check, please?

In yet another example of administrative fiscal irresponsibility, Georgetown’s Board of Directors voted to increase tuition last Tuesday.


Bad delivery

The Examiner’s selective delivery route is unfair and racist, and District residents should boycott the paper until this policy ends.