Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Attention, Wal-Mart workers

Apparently, if your company is big enough and rich enough, you can get away with anything.


What is Georgetown’s Jesuit Identity?

Sinfully secular or stiflingly Catholic?


Falling for a lazy, overweight, self-centered … cat?

Living with a cat that’s boss of the house, and knows it.


Jumping from a plane … with my mother

My mother asked me to go skydiving with her in the beginning of August, and I suspect her decision to do this came as a bit of a surprise to the both of us.


Wounded animals and accordions? Must be the Metro.

Forget Sartre, Tocqueville and Napoleon. The Metro is what I have learned best while abroad in Paris.


Cai Guo-Qiang’s explosive exhibit at the Hirshhorn

For Chinese-born “artistic engineer” Cai Guo-Qiang, an unrealized vision does not beget remorse, self-pity or disappointment.


Getting Inside Deep Throat

Watching the new documentary Inside Deep Throat, I was struck by the idea that in the early ‘70s the best way to get into the legitimate film industry was through porn.


Baby got Bak

Any certified Disney Classic in which a major character utters the line, “the fate of the village rests in your hands” had better have some major redeeming qualities.


Indian Tacos

You Taste Like A Burger- a rotating column about eating leisurely


By the numbers

$53 Million Record amount spent by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a business interest group, lobbying the government. $59.5 Million Campaign contributions by all Labor interest groups in 2004 $.37... Read more