Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Tidwell appointed

Georgetown University’s Center for Australian and New Zealand Studies appointed author, teacher and expert in conflict resolution Dr. Alan Tidwell as its new director, beginning January 2005.


The Life Aquatic: Best Life Ever

Somewhere in between The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou’s red knit caps, blue Speedos, brightly computer-animated sea creatures and samba renditions of early David Bowie songs in Portuguese, the real world ceases to exist, or even matter.


Seniors to tutor

The Senior Class Committee will start off the new year by renewing the PALS tutoring program, in which seniors will tutor sixth-graders at Walker Jones Elementary School in Northwest D.C. every other Friday.


Checking in to Hotel Rwanda

In one of the opening scenes of Hotel Rwanda, Paul Rusesabagina and his family watch from behind a fence as their neighbor is beaten to death.


Airline Decline

As I approached my assigned seat on my flight from Portland to D.C., I looked at the two guys sitting in my row.


Saxa Politica: Back too late

The Tombs was packed on Monday night, probably one of the few times during the year that any Monday saw so many revelers. Students living in off-campus residences were reuniting and relaxing with friends after the winter break.

The opportunity to return to Washington a few days prior to the start of the new semester is not shared, however, by the 4,000 students who live on campus.


Best of 2004: Movies and Music

The Voice Leisure Staff Indulges Itself




Kinsey puts the fun back in sex; Lithgow foiled again

In one of the most outrageously funny scenes in the new movie Kinsey, the professor Alfred Kinsey has a casual conversation with his wife and daughters about the physical nature of sex.


Earnestness not too important after all

It seems ironic that the titular lesson of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest has been ignored in the play’s new Arena Stage adaptation.