Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Georgetown students STAND for Darfur

As 1.4 million Darfurian refugees have been terrorized and driven from their homes, a group of Georgetown students has made it its purpose to publicize the atrocities in Sudan to the Georgetown community.


GUSA bylaw bash looks for election reform

As Georgetown University Student Association representatives filed out of their meeting Tuesday night, having tabled their long-awaited election bylaw reforms for another week, a plate of brownies lay untouched in the corner.


Lights out for Copley during weekend transformer failure

Many Georgetown students, staff and faculty were left in the dark for much of the weekend when a power outage hit several buildings on campus.


Yasir Arafat’s legacy spurs debate among Georgetown students

The debate over the legacy of Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat, who died last week, has reached Georgetown, where students still hope for peace in spite of conflicts over the controversial figure.


Keep the flu from you

The University is hedging its bets on beating this winter’s flu through a pack of tissues, four hand sanitizers and an information card on ways to stay healthy.


Altruistic attorneys

Former Congressman, lawyer and political activist Fr. Robert Drinan, S.J. told a crowd of about 70 pre-law hopefuls Wednesday to engage in their communities and wage war on injustice.


What can DPS do?

Earlier this week, my roommate noticed several men loitering suspiciously on the corner of T Street in Burleith.


Does anyone else feel a draft in here?

I’m not worried about being drafted. I’m confident that if there is a draft and my number is called, I will be laughed out of the boardroom once they see the results of my physical examination.


The six stages of Bush-based blues

Nauseous, short of breath and a little dizzy, I jumped out of bed and e-mailed a Canadian I’d met while traveling in Europe this past summer.


Tales from a Kerry supporter in France

I have had the unique pleasure of being a French major during George W. Bush’s reign.