Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Meeting aims to repair town-gown relations

The Office of Student Affairs addressed the need for improved communication among students living off-campus and Georgetown neighborhood residents at a meeting Wednesday. The meeting was provoked by repeated complaints during the 2003-04 school year regarding reported incidents of student misbehavior.


Aznar defends Spanish war on terror as new GU faculty member

Former Spanish President Jos? Mar?a Aznar said that he did not regret actions taken to combat terrorism, both in Spain and abroad during his eight-year tenure as head of state in a speech in Gaston Hall on Tuesday.

Aznar, a new Georgetown lecturer, presented his plan for eradicating terrorism, a topic that he similarly discussed during a recent appearance at the University in January 2004.


Students want you to know your rights

Understanding the campus, city and national rules and regulations that govern student behavior can be a daunting task.

To help students to better understand their rights and responsibilities at Georgetown, the FRIENDS Initiative, in partnership with Students for Georgetown Inc.


Henle Village grapples with mosquitos

A recent infestation of mosquitoes has had many residents of Henle Village scratching their heads in the past two weeks.

The University has hired an entomologist to diagnose and assist with the problem.

Christy Anthony, Area Coordinator for Henle Village, said that the problem began during the first week of September, but has recently grown more serious.


GUSA to conduct town-hall meetings in dorms

Georgetown University Student Association leaders are banking on a new type of meeting to make Georgetown students see their organization in a different light.

Starting next week, GUSA will begin a new policy of holding town hall meetings in dorms, hoping for increased interest in campus government.


Saxa Politica

Perhaps the most shocking thing about hate crimes is that the capacity to commit them lies within all of us, as evidenced by the sheer number occurring on-campus each year. The constant presence of discrimination is evidence that being an intelligent and motivated student does not preclude hate.


When I was a hostage

I could see exactly what the hired guns planned to do with me when they opened the rear hatch of the Jeep.


The show goes on

One of the first opportunities my relocation afforded me was a chance to open for a magician-friend of mine for six shows in Bermuda.


Georgetown reacts to the Beslan massacre

The crowd of students and parents, shocked and dehydrated, huddled in the gymnasium as the terrorists draped wires around the room, connecting a series of bombs. This horrible image was only one of many to come out of Beslan, Russia this month.


Hoyas get trounced, look ahead to Colgate rematch

Before the Hoyas take the football field in upstate New York against Colgate this Saturday, the question will be: Who deserves to start at quarterback?