Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Students lead quest for child health funds

Georgetown students are hoping to bring attention to what they say is a forgotten issue. The movers and shakers at Georgetown’s chapter of UNICEF and the Student Campaign for Child Survival will be joined by students from across the country Monday to lobby Congress for children’s rights.


GU student assaulted at Prospect St. home

A Georgetown student was sexually assaulted in her Prospect Street home early Sunday morning by an unidentified man who remains at large.

While most of the details concerning the incident remain unclear, the Department of Public Safety described the suspect Monday in a public safety alert e-mail as a White or Latino/Hispanic male in his mid-twenties.


World Bank President defends development

World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn emphasized the importance of development in creating a stable world. The wry Australian told an almost full Gaston Hall that child and youth issues are the most important facing the world today.

“Poor people are an asset,” he said.


Canada bust

Thought you’d go to McGill to get a great education at a bargain price? Think again. Quebec is considering lifting the freeze on university tuition, and students are angry. Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper reported last week that riot police used tear gas to disperse students demonstrating against the possibility of increased tuition fees in Quebec.


Cabaret out to prove student talent

LEISURE BY NEAL COLL Looking for a good excuse to blow off studying for that Econ midterm Thursday night? Giving up hard drinking for Lent? Tired of not rocking out? A solution is at hand, and it goes by the name of Cabaret. This year’s Cabaret promises to be an excellent show; make sure to catch it this Thursday and Saturday nights.


‘Mars2K4′: astronomy nerds’ heaven?

Mars2K4, the new Mars exhibit at The National Geographic Museum’s Explorers Hall is your best chance of getting up close and personal with the infamous red planet. Loosely divided into three sections, the exhibit begins with a look at the place of Mars in classical astronomy.


The Walkmen on the record

It seemed a couple of years back that a great number of fashionably dressed young New Yorkers had suddenly rediscovered the ‘70s. The Strokes with their trust funds and upscale girlfriends made sounding bored the new cool, while Interpol ogled bands like Television and Joy Division.


He’s got the beat

James brown is a machine alright-a beating machine, that is. Recently, he was arrested for throwing his defenseless fourth wife on the ground and holding an iron chair over her head. This is no shock however, as it is his third domestic violence offense (which means one poor woman got out scot-free), not to mention his many drug abuse charges, one of which earned him two and a half years in prison.


The pitfalls of expression

Somewhere in my bedroom there’s a wooden box filled with empty journals. Some are small and leather-bound, some are handcrafted with homemade paper and colorful string. Others are standard yellow legal pads with “Journal” printed in pen upon the first page.


Come for the view, stay for the food

VOICES BY MIKE O’ROURKE Stomach growling, I rush into the Leo J. O’Donovan dining hall at 2:15 for a late lunch.I walk through the doors and wait patiently as the visitors in front of me pay in cash.After several minutes of arguing with the cashier, they pass through.She swipes my card, and I walk quickly towards the top level and pass through the halfway-closed doors.