Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Loose nukes prompt discussion in ICC

The march to war in Iraq demonstrates that the proliferation and use of weapons of mass destruction undoubtedly remains of central concern in the minds of policy makers everywhere.

This concern manifested itself most recently at the Paul C. Warnke Conference on Arms Control in the ICC, where U.


Senate investigates GU alum

Prominent Georgetown Alum Manuel Miranda (SFS ‘82) is caught at the center of a Capital Hill controversy over the improper circulation of Democrats’ memos. Sergant-at-arms William Pickle is investigating how correspondence between Democratic Judiciary Committee members was leaked to the press.


Growing up

Last December, as I anxiously waited in a jam-packed theater for the lights to dim and “The Return of the King” to start, I suddenly noticed some youngsters yelling the word “penis” louder and louder.

The routine is familiar to me because I too was once a perpetrator.


Are you there, God? It’s me, Nathaniel

VOICES BY SCOTT MATTHEWS Boy, there sure are a lot of Starbucks around! It seems like everywhere you go there’s another Starbucks! I mean, how many Starbuc … “Damn it!” I yell as I slam my fist down in anger and frustration, accidentally hitting a cactus that just happened to be there.


Rage against the machine

Teaching little kids English at a French school requires one thing: lots of photocopies. Recent favorites include color-it-yourself numbers, “Dick and Jane” and a scary page from a 1990 yearbook. With the right amount of energy and a not-so-sincere smile, these pages are portals into the magical world of the English language.


Left brain/left hand coordination

Walking into any given Barnes and Noble, the average pleasure reader is faced with stacks of titles like American Dynasty and Bushwacked, all railing against the actions, policies and general state of being of the Bush administration. While their conservative counterparts like Ann Coulter’s Treason are nearly as prevalent, the sheer quantity of inked vitriol directed towards the president is striking.



The Georgetown Voice takes mistakes seriously. We correct all errors of substance in our stories and publish appropriate clarifications as soon as possible.


Letter to the Editor

Corruption and inefficiency plague public schools


Seeking Asylum in Southeast

COVER BY SONIA SMITH Each weekday morning, John Hinckley, Jr. walks down the meandering road from the John Howard Pavilion to Building CT-6, where he works as librarian and archivist in the medical library. Here he sits among the stacks of psychiatric journals and medical textbooks, doused in florescent lighting, archiving documents and reading at his leisure.


Nothing Shrouds ‘The Fog of War’

LEISURE BY LAUREN GASKILL Robert McNamara playing himself, outbursts of the director’s voice off-screen and montages that blend historical and artistic images make “The Fog of War” different from other, dry documentaries. Accompanied by the urgent and innovative score of Philip Glass (“The Hours”), McNamara recalls his wartime exploits with prompts from director Errol Morris.