Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Museum that

Even though it contains both my first and last names, the Smithsonian Institute and the fleet of museums that bear its name just don’t cut it anymore. Museum of Natural History, spare us the giant squid, please-not interested. And the Hope Diamond? How very Home Shopping Network of you.


Censorship in Red Square?

Students passing through Red Square on Thursday, Nov. 21 undoubtedly noticed representatives from the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property waving a large red flag and handing out pamphlets. The following Tuesday, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson addressed the situation in a campus-wide e-mail, denouncing the outside organization’s distribution of “offensive and hateful material that attacked gays and lesbians.


It Was Like a Life

WINNER OF THE 2003 VOICE SHORT STORY CONTEST BY ANDREW J. WILSON As he awaits Sarah’s return home from her first semester at college, Jackson hopes that he and his daughter can go running together like old times. Just as Sarah has changed since she last left home, her parents have changed, too—without her knowing.


Accidental press conference

The rector of Georgetown’s Jesuit community, Rev. Brian McDermott, S.J., apologized to the Kennedy family last week for the University’s release of Jackie Kennedy’s personal correspondences with the late Rev. Richard McSorley, S.J. The damage had already been done, but McDermott tried to rectify the situation as much as possible.


Bushgiving in Baghdad

On Thanksgiving, President George W. Bush took a trip to Iraq. Arriving at the former Saddam

International Airport under cover of darkness, he spent a few top-secret hours with American troops stationed in Baghdad. He posed with the troops, and with a turkey, and then headed back to the United States.


Boathouse approved; enrollment cap axed

NEWS EXTRA BY MIKE DeBONIS Georgetown University has received a pair of holiday gifts early this December: The D.C. Zoning Commission approved plans for a new GU boathouse Thursday evening, and on Dec. 4, the D.C. Court of Appeals invalidated several controversial conditions that the Board of Zoning Adjustment imposed on approval of the University’s campus plan earlier this year.


Hip-hop, hurray!

VOICES BY SCOTT CONROY I’ve never liked rap that much. I don’t have anything against the genre, it just never resonated with me. Other than buying an MC Hammer tape in 1990, my exposure to hip-hop has been limited to what has been thrown at me on the radio and whatever my roommate is listening to at the time.


Correkshuns and apolajeez

Sometimes in the insane rush to meet deadlines (that once-every-three-weeks column has a tendency to sneak up on you), mistakes have been made that should never have made it to press. For this, my editors are entirely to blame. But I will be the bigger man and accept partial responsibility for errors that I had very little to do with.


Avoiding another housing fiasco

As a junior class representative in the Georgetown University Student Assembly I would like to express my disappointment with the new residential point system that will possibly create a housing fiasco in the upcoming year. Since the annoucement of the new hosuing selection system, many have complained that student input was not gathered and taken into account when formulating the current housing eligibility process.


Letter to the Editor

After reading Dominic Nardi’s piece on six hours spent in a D.C. jail (Nov. 13, “Tale of a Georgetown jailbird,” Voices) I felt thoroughly disgusted at his attempt to draw a parallel between his own life and those of millions of people in Myanmar who suffer under the dicatatorial rule of the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) that is in control of the country.