The staff of The Georgetown Voice.
Few former elementary school teachers and certifiable drunks can claim to have had as much of an effect upon independent music as Robert Pollard. As the one-man creative engine behind the indie rock legend Guided By Voices, Pollard has been one of the most prolific artists of the last fifteen years.
By the Voice Staff November 20, 2003
NEWS BY LAUREN TANICK Georgetown University Student Association President Brian Morgenstern (CAS ‘05) issued his first veto this week, striking down an amendment to GUSA’s constitution sponsored by the Lecture Fund. The amendment, approved by the GUSA Assembly on Nov. 11, called for a change in the way the Lecture Fund chair is selected.
By the Voice Staff November 20, 2003
“Thanksgiving only comes once a year.” How true that is! How true, and how sweet. But you know what? Waiting for Thanksgiving is boring. every year, the Georgetown campus becomes a wasteland for the four-to-five day weekend when thousands upon thousands of Hoyas clear out for points west, south, north, and possibly even east (for you European exchange students).
By the Voice Staff November 20, 2003
NEWS BY MIKE DeBONIS A federal planning commission gave a mixed review earlier this month to a Georgetown University boathouse proposed for the Potomac waterfront. Opponents of the boathouse are celebrating a small victory, but according to University officials, the decision will not change the current boathouse design before its fate is decided at a zoning board meeting next month.
By the Voice Staff November 20, 2003
Georgetown’s D.C. Schools Project is giving students the opportunity to save money while giving to a good cause. This month, it kicked off a yearlong campaign project with the DCSP Georgetown Community Discount Card.
The card costs ten dollars and is on sale at Vital Vittles, Full Exposure and the Center for Social Justice in Poulton Hall.
By the Voice Staff November 20, 2003
Georgetown University honored three professors for their excellence in undergraduate education at the Fall Faculty Convocation on Nov. 11. Jane McAuliffe, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, presented Paul Betz, professor of English, John Brough, professor of Philosophy, and Steven Sabat, professor of Psychology with the College Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
By the Voice Staff November 20, 2003
Taking the stage in the ICC Auditorium, Kazuko Yamashina covered the podium with paper cranes. With the help of an interpreter, she explained that the cranes represent her dead mother, father, sister and brother, who died in the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan.
By the Voice Staff November 20, 2003
The first semester after the Great Administrator Exodus of 2003 is nearly finished, and still it seems there’s just as many administrators with “interim” in their title as when the semester started. Plenty of administrators with “interim” or “acting” tags are in high-level positions, running departments such as the Department of Public Safety and the Office of Off-Campus Student Life.
By the Voice Staff November 20, 2003
COVER BY SONIA SMITH Georgetown students aren’t all careerists, even if the University’s scarce arts facilities make it seem that way. Now, the Georgetown’s most musically talented students have a new playground: three new recording studios and the production classes of Professor Robert Fair.
By the Voice Staff November 20, 2003