The staff of The Georgetown Voice.
COVER BY BILL CLEVELAND Ever think of doing something different with your degree? At Georgetown, Brendan Gaughan (MSB ‘97) was the guy who guarded Allen Iverson during basketball practice. Now he’s moved on to an even more challenging occupation: He’s a professional race truck driver.
By the Voice Staff November 6, 2003
Take a closer look at that character’s over-styled hair, ‘60s getup, and obvious make up. She’s wearing a pearl necklace, but is that an adam’s apple? Die, Mommie, Die, the latest endeavor of the prolific on-screen crossdresser, writer-director Charles Busch, is distinct from other 60s parodies: Our leading lady is a flamboyant drag queen.
By the Voice Staff November 6, 2003
One would think that a film ending with the image of two burning crosses might have some poignant conclusion to communicate to its audience. However, as the credits roll at the end of Zero Day, most questions remain unanswered. In fact, an entirely new question arises: Why do people keep making Columbine movies that give you the ingredients for disaster but fail to pinpoint an explanation? Zero Day is not like Michael Moore’s Bowling for Columbine, a piece of political and social commentary.
By the Voice Staff November 6, 2003
As a life long resident of the Garden State, I can safely say that most of the stereotypes about my fatherland are woefully true. We have odious pollution, an overabundance of suburban apathy and angst, some of the most corrupt, crime-ridden cities in the country, and far too many speed traps on the Parkway.
By the Voice Staff November 6, 2003
It’s official—Washington D.C. again holds the coveted title of murder capital of the United States. The FBI’s annual crime index released this monday ranked the District first nationwide in homicides for the first time since the early ‘90s.
By the Voice Staff November 6, 2003
With so many hypersensitive singer-songwriters on the market, it’s inevitable that artists like John Mayer, Howie Day and David Gray might seem interchangeable. But then there’s good ol’ Ryan Adams, a once countrified-alt-geek of Whiskeytown fame.
By the Voice Staff November 6, 2003
Hey, Georgetown, feel any safer this week? The University thinks you should: Georgetown’s first-ever vice president for University safety, David Morrell, started on the job Monday.
The University maintains an impressive stable of vice presidents, whose purposes range from the prosaic “facilities and student housing” to the high-minded “mission and ministry” to the esoteric “technology licensing.
By the Voice Staff November 6, 2003
VOICES BY SCOTT MATTHEWS “My temple should be a house of God,” he proclaimed, voice cracking as he strained to hit the high notes. “But you have made it a den of …” “Hold it … today High Priest Caiaphus ‘The Dick’ Cheney is set to speak here, and in accordance with our policy of tolerance and free speech we have limited free speech to the designated tolerance zone, which is fifty cubits hence.”
By the Voice Staff October 30, 2003
Think you carve a pretty pumpkin? You’re probably wrong. Pumpkins carved from a pattern aside, pumpkin carving is like singing: While everyone else is terrible, you think you’re really something. Turns out you probably should save it for the car or the shower.
By the Voice Staff October 30, 2003