Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Midnight Madness fun for all

The Georgetown men’s and women’s basketball seasons officially got under way last Friday night at McDonough Arena. This year’s Midnight Madness, coming off the heels of a bizarre off-season, gave anxious Hoyas fans their first glimpse at the athletes competing in the school’s most notable sport.


What is a sport

Is figure skating a sport? No. How about croquet? Yes. Boxing? Questionable. Beirut/Beer Pong? Definitely.

So goes one of the oldest questions floating throughout the world of athletics: what is a sport?

Upon first thought, it doesn’t seem to be a very pressing question.


Recycling lies

COVER BY JULIA COOKE & SHANTHI MANIAN This year, the University reported recycling 15 percent of its waste—a number significantly reduced from the 43 percent reported in 1996. But even this lower figure does not accurately reflect the true recycling commitment at Georgetown. The numbers are wrong and the administration knows it.


Student arrested outside of Myanmar Embassy

NEWS BY LAUREN TANICK A Georgetown student spent the day in jail after Metropolitan Police arrested him and three other protesters outside of the Embassy of Myanmar last Friday.


SafeRides expands services with Prospect to O St. shuttle

SafeRides has added a new shuttle to its transportation services. The permanent shuttle will run from the front of campus down O Street to Potomac Street and back on Prospect Street on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Previously, SafeRides only transported students from point to point in response to calls, said Interim Vice President of Student Affairs Todd Olson.


Muslim students teach peers

“Most Americans expect Muslims to be strange,” said Associate Director of the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding John Voll. This week, the Muslim Student Association is attempting to break down these stereotypes in the minds of the non-muslim Georgetown community.


Controversy creates unlikely partnership

NEWS BY CHRIS STANTON After a homophobic e-mail was sent over the Boston Area Club’s list serve, Georgetown’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning community were angered. But those feelings have turned to optimism as both sides entertain ideas of how to make amends and address issues of homophobia on Georgetown’s campus.


Knight of Columbus alumnus speaks about sexuality

John Soucy (CAS ‘99), a former Knight of Columbus and Georgetown Academy Man of the Year, visited campus this week as an openly gay alumnus. Soucy announced his sexual orientation in an editorial in the Hoya last spring, surprising some of his former friends at Georgetown.


Zone this!

Here’s a note for the planners of next month’s Georgetown Traditions Day: Chances are you forgot one of the University’s more recent, but distinguished traditions-protracted conflicts with the District’s zoning boards.


Leo’s Hollywood debut

LEISURE BY SZYMON MAZIAKOWSKI & SONIA SMITH There’s a story behind the man behind the name behind the cafeteria. Rev. Leo O’Donovan, S.J. was the last Jesuit president of Georgetown, reigning from 1989 to 2001. He was known as a consummate fundraiser, a born schmoozer, and oversaw the GU endowment’s greatest period of growth.