Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Give them a refund

In 1935, the United Daughters of the Confederacy, a group that honors Confederate soldiers killed in the Civil War, donated $50,000 to Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. This contribution covered one third of the building costs for Confederate Memorial Hall, a dormitory that provided free housing for female students who were studying to become teachers and were descendants of Confederates.


Wasting time

Last spring, Vice President for Student Affairs Juan Gonzalez announced that he would hire a new part-time Special Assistant to the Vice President who would address the needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. After months of discussion between the administration and the diversity working group about the creation of a resource center, both sides seemed to be content with the decision.


Campbell hopes for Olympics

In flip-flops and a button-down shirt, Andrew Campbell (SFS ‘06) of San Diego, Ca. looks like your average, laid-back first-year. You probably wouldn’t guess that he is one of the premier Laser class sailors in the world, the recent winner of the Youth Sailing International Sailing Federation World Championships and a U.


Hoyas reach for Big East tournaments

This fall, three Georgetown teams are vying for postseason appearances in the Big East Conference. While the Women’s Soccer team has already secured a berth, the fates of the Men’s Soccer and Women’s Volleyball teams have yet to be determined.

Men’s Soccer (5-8 overall, 3-4 Big East, Ninth in Conference)

The Georgetown Men’s Soccer team has five regular season games left.


Midnight in a not-so-perfect world

While most colleges were holding Midnight Madness last week, Georgetown postponed the unveiling of the basketball teams due to the threat of low attendance posed by Columbus Day weekend. The traditional start of the college basketball season, Midnight Madness stokes the coals of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming season.


The Sports Sermon

He stares with his arms folded, never showing any emotion. Each week he leads his resurgent team out on the field with a brisk run. He is the best thing to happen to college football in the last 50 years and he knows it. What makes him the best is that he understands his job isn’t finished until Jan.


We goin’ sizzla

I was fortunate enough to have good tickets to the Jazz-76ers preseason game this past weekend. From my seat, I couldn’t help but notice the ridiculous amount of trash talking on the court. John Stockton was running his little mouth, Karl Malone was staring people down, and Allen Iverson was being cocky as all hell.


Sexy Girl Scouts and bacon bits

Though some of us believe we are too old or too cool to still dress up, hot-pants Heidi and S&M Spiderwoman were already defying the norm of preppiness at the Guards last Saturday. Many more young women will freeze radiantly beneath pink wigs, feather boas, fish nets, fake eyelashes and little else Thursday through Saturday.


Finding a Place for Campus Radio

Whether on not you have ever listened to Georgetown University’s Student Radio Station WGTB, it is undeniable that at one point in its history it had a strong presence not only on Georgetown’s campus, but on the entire D.C. area. During a time in the ‘70s the station broadcasted as far as Pennsylvania, Delaware and West Virginia and had over 100,000 listeners.


The Manassas diaries

There were four of us that early Monday morn, four sad bastards facing futures without certainty. There was Redding, the erstwhile philosophy student from Georgia who owned one too many scarves. There was Mike, a sexual deviant from Arizona with a quick wit and a goatee.