The staff of The Georgetown Voice.
The Britney concert sold out before you realized she was coming to town. Dad wouldn’t let you charge those Caps tickets on his American Express. For whatever reason, you find yourself ticketless, standing in front of the MCI Center, talking to a guy on the sidewalk who is offering you decent seats for five bucks over what you would have paid at the box office.
By the Voice Staff October 17, 2002
With a potential $323 million budget deficit on its hands, the D.C. Council is looking for new ways to increase revenue. What better way to bring the city money then by raising parking fines? Well, how about expanding the city’s free parking privileges to include even more District employees at the same time?
According to the Washington Times, more than 1,000 city employees now enjoy parking perks.
By the Voice Staff October 17, 2002
The Georgetown men’s and women’s cross country teams will begin their final preparations for the NCAA Championships with two significant meets in the next three weeks?the Pre-NCAA meet at Indiana State University in Terre Haute, Ind. on Oct. 19 and the Big East Championship on Nov.
By the Voice Staff October 17, 2002
You’re coming back late from a club, and you just want to get home. Or you’re late for a job interview across town. Maybe you just don’t feel like navigating three different bus routes to get to your destination. Take a cab! But the system is so confusing, you’re worried about how much you’ll have to pay.
By the Voice Staff October 10, 2002
Stepping off the plane in Dallas last Friday amidst cowboy hats and wide-open spaces, I was immediately thrown into the pulsating mixture of my relatives?great aunts from California, second cousins from Oklahoma, parents from Missouri?all in Dallas to celebrate my great-grandmother’s 90th birthday.
By the Voice Staff October 10, 2002
Last spring, I was abroad in Santiago, Chile, and while I was there I dated a television producer. He was then working on a WWF-style wrestling show, the first of its kind to air in Chile. One night, during a pretty intense argument, he told me that as a television producer surrounded by beautiful people, he had options?he could date girls 10 times better looking than I was.
By the Voice Staff October 10, 2002
On Monday morning, Oct. 7, a 13-year-old boy was shot in the chest as his mother dropped him off in front of his middle school in Bowie, Md. The boy was the eighth victim in a series of sniper-style shootings that have left six dead and two seriously wounded in the suburbs of our nation’s capital over the past week.
By the Voice Staff October 10, 2002
The recent editorial, “Leave the McDonald’s alone,” (Sept. 26, 2002) is yet another instance of the biased, close-minded and poorly reported media representations of anti-corporate globalization protests that have dominated coverage since 1999. The editorial consisted of nothing but fabrications, counterintuitive inferences and baseless accusations, while managing to ignore completely any of the real issues.
By the Voice Staff October 10, 2002
The Georgetown University Student Association met with key University administrators last week to present its case against the current lockdown policy, which limits access to campus dormitories to residents of those buildings. The meeting was considered successful by both parties, and montly meetings are planned for the forseeable future.
By the Voice Staff October 10, 2002
University President John J. DeGioia declined to sign a statement decrying discrimination against Jewish students on college campuses. The statement, which appeared in an advertisement in the New York Times on Sunday, was signed by 300 university presidents and written in conjunction with the American Jewish Council.
By the Voice Staff October 10, 2002