The staff of The Georgetown Voice.
Ah, election season, when voters’ fancies once again decide the fate of the free world. Or, alternatively, when unusable machines and untrained poll workers threaten to wipe out 250 years of democratic progress, as was the case in the most recent Florida primaries.
By the Voice Staff September 19, 2002
On a January night in 1998, top-level Georgian diplomat Gueorgui Makharadze slammed his Ford Taurus into a line of cars waiting at a stoplight on Connecticut Avenue just blocks from Dupont Circle, killing a 16-year-old Maryland girl. Makharadze, who was driving drunk, initially claimed diplomatic immunity from arrest.
By the Voice Staff September 19, 2002
The Georgetown University Student Association sent a letter to University President John J. DeGioia Friday expressing concern regarding the new student safety policies on campus. As of the beginning of this school year, students no longer have 24-hour access to University buildings other than their own on-campus residence buildings.
By the Voice Staff September 19, 2002
Georgetown Students for Fair Trade have made considerable progress toward their goal of having Georgetown’s campus serve only Fair Trade-certified coffee. Fair Trade guarantees farmers a higher wage and meets higher product standards.
New South, the Center Grill and Buzz now serve the coffee.
By the Voice Staff September 19, 2002
If the efforts of some Georgetown students are successful, this time next year they could be studying abroad in Lebanon in a University-supported program.
The Office of International Programs is tentatively reviewing the possibility of adding a program at American University in Beirut.
By the Voice Staff September 19, 2002
As liberal-minded, idealistic college students, many of us at Georgetown would like to say that we are wholeheartedly against the corporatization of our school. We come to university to learn and to be challenged intellectually?not to be bombarded with corporate logos and sponsorships.
By the Voice Staff September 19, 2002
In the early morning hours of Sunday Sept. 8, a Georgetown student was robbed at gunpoint near the corner of 30th and Dumbarton Streets as he was walking home.
The Georgetown Department of Public Safety issued a campus-wide e-mail this Monday informing students of the incident and advocating caution.
By the Voice Staff September 19, 2002
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority released an expansion plan Friday that replaces an earlier plan which would have placed a Metro station in Georgetown. In October, 2001, the agency had proposed a new subway line with a station at M Street and Wisconsin Avenue.
By the Voice Staff September 19, 2002
David Catania, at-large Republican D.C. City Council member and Georgetown graduate, gave a speech on campus Wednesday night which emphasized the increasing applicability of Republican ideas to urban settings.
In a recent Washington Times op-ed piece, Catania expressed his view that the Republican Party made a mistake when it “gave up on urban areas in the ‘40s.
By the Voice Staff September 19, 2002
In a sad turn of events for District clubgoers, Buzz, a weekly dance party that has been held at Nation (1015 Half St., S.E.) for the past nine years, has unexpectedly closed, effective immediately. Buzzlife Productions, which ran the event every Friday night, announced the closing on its website Wednesday evening.
By the Voice Staff September 19, 2002