Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Imitations of rawk

Last week, MTV2 viewers were treated to a mini-marathon of vintage Nirvana clips to celebrate, what else, the eighth anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s death. Not only did this probably cause nostalgic sighs across suburban America, but it also likely sparked laments over the spawn of half-ass imitators the band inspired.


A drinking solution?

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism released a report about the alcohol culture at U.S. colleges last week. The statistics show that 1,400 college students die each year from alcohol-related injuries and that 70,000 students are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date-rape each year.


Not good enough

The Georgetown University Student Association has agreed to a trial run of the USA Today Readership program. Through the program, copies of USA Today, The New York Times and The Washington Post are now available to students for no charge in their Residence Hall Offices.


The coup that wasn’t

Political opponents ousted Venezuelan President Hugo Ch?vez from power last Thursday. Ch?vez’ attempts to replace the executives of the state-owned oil monopoly, in conjunction with a series of labor strikes and protests, convinced an alliance of military and business leaders that he was unable to rule the country effectively.


Look for the union label: Georgetown’s wage gap

by Jennifer Ernst and Ryan Michaels

They work more or less the same job. They work in more or less the same place, separated only by Red Square. And their qualifications certainly don’t seem too different. But Luis, a gentle, courteous native of Mexico City, is earning $4 less per hour than Marta, who has been working in housekeeping and custodial services since she arrived in the United States from Nicaragua 13 years ago.


More trite senior reflections

I am graduating in a little more than a month. Well, technically I need to pass one class that I am now enrolled in. The issue is not really in doubt though, because the only grade is a 25-page research paper at the end of the class. It is pretty hard to fail a paper?I hope.


Baby alien Spanish

Middle-child syndrome comes in handy when you are trying to learn another language. I, like the majority of middle children, am a true pacifist and do my best to avoid discord and maintain peace wherever the possibility of conflict is brewing. This serves me well in Chile, where it is much easier to agree with people than to engage in an idea battle when armed with the verbal equivalent of a sharp toothpick.


Take me back to the coke orgy!

Well, seniors, we’re almost there! I can’t believe it’s been four years already! Can you? Why, it seems like only yesterday that I was standing in a stuffy and humid New South dorm room, shaking hands with a complete stranger with whom I was about to spend the next nine months.


In defense of John Walker Lindh

After the attacks of Sept. 11, the rhetoric used by American leaders would lead one to believe that those responsible were attacking freedom and democracy, liberty and justice, ideals theoretically intrinsic to an American ideology. The truth is that the terrorists were attacking reckless American hegemony and economic and cultural imperialism.