Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Don’t play in The Yard

Students will vote Monday for a new student government, the Yard. We cannot endorse it for three reasons.

In the proposed Yard Commons, club leaders would be required to organize themselves into nine clusters, and each cluster would send a representative to the Council.


Bars to phase out drink specials

The Advisory Neighborhood Commission has reached agreements with two local Georgetown bars to gradually phase out promotional drink specials. The ANC could not reach an agreement with Champions to ban its admission of under-21 individuals into its establishment.


Like a prayer

I prayed the other night.

I was just lying in bed, feeling pretty good, and suddenly I found myself saying the “Hail Mary” in my mind. I’m not sure why. I wasn’t looking for a favor.

Praying might be the kind of thing that some people do all the time, but God and I haven’t been on speaking terms in a few years.


Declaring a major

The last time I spoke with Professor Lepgold was about two weeks before Thanksgiving.

It was just around the time that pre-registration was due and I had just gotten an e-mail reminding School of Foreign Service upperclassmen that they needed to have their faculty mentor sign their meeting confirmation slip or they would not be allowed to pre-register.


Scalia: GU Catholic identity strong

Georgetown’s moral Catholic environment is as present and as strong as ever, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (CAS ‘57) said Monday in his speech as Jesuit Heritage Week’s Georgetown Alumnus Spotlight speaker.

After describing the degradation of morality in the United States over the past two centuries, Scalia said that Georgetown is “not losing its moral soul.


Saudi prince denounces bin Laden

Osama bin Laden is “one of the most vicious and one of the most cruel killers of our time,” said Prince Turki Al-Faisal bin Abd Al-Aziz Al-Saud (SFS ‘68), former head of intelligence in Saudi Arabia.

By speaking on Sunday in ICC Auditorium about his experiences as Saudi chief of intelligence, Turki said that he was breaking “a social taboo of the Kingdom [Saudi Arabia].


In your life

I have often heard that you should write what you know; a college student would be better to write about matters like classes or drinking beer, than say, a narrative about the Civil War from the perspective of a Union soldier. However, right now, the only thing I feel like I could write from knowledge would be the template of a Matt Foley motivational speaker sketch on Saturday Night Live.


Panic reigns as Internet access lost

Panic struck a normally peaceful first-year dorm early Tuesday morning when students awoke to find their Internet service disconnected. Roommates who hadn’t spoken in weeks turned to each other in horror, exchanging tearful embraces and words of consolation.


‘Bar’red from Drinking

As a way of keeping their liquor licenses, two local Georgetown bars told the Advisory Neighborhood Commission on Tuesday that they would forgo all-you-can-drink nights as well as other promotional drink specials.

ANC Commissioners feel these measures will reduce levels of underage drinking in the community.


Memento writer visits campus

Were the secrets of Memento unlocked when Georgetown alumnus Jonah Nolan (CAS ‘98) spoke to students this Tuesday evening? The answer is no … or is it yes? Or rather, maybe there just aren’t any solid answers when one tackles such difficult subjects as forgiveness, revenge, the mercurial nature of memory and the possibility of a world in which the passage of time is removed.