The staff of The Georgetown Voice.
I am an unabashed TV snob. For three years now, I have been that guy who, in response to inquiries on West Wing or quips about The Weakest Link coolly shoots back a disenchanted, “I don’t really watch TV.” I only turn on the idiot box to take in the latest in world news or the occasional highbrow film.
By the Voice Staff December 6, 2001
Don’t cry for me; I’m already dead.
Well, no, I can’t back that up. But while I might not be dead, many of my movements are.
You see, I, like you, came to Georgetown with the intention of overthrowing the administration with a cadre of well-trained, stealthy and loyal commandoes.
By the Voice Staff December 6, 2001
I am 22. On Oct. 14, 2000, I turned 21 and became able to legally drink in the United States. On Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2000, I experienced my first ‘80s night at the Tombs. Wednesdays are now one of my favorite things in the whole wide world. This might have something to do with the fact that I don’t have classes on Thursday or Friday, but that is beside the point for now.
By the Voice Staff December 6, 2001
Georgetown has received an increased number of application for its Early Action program compared to last year, according to Charles Deacon, dean of undergraduate admissions.
Deacon said that 4,400 people have applied for a position in Georgetown’s class of 2006, opposed to 4,100 students who applied last year for the class of 2005.
By the Voice Staff December 6, 2001
by Sean West
Students advocating the creation of a resource center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students on campus presented a petition with over 1,000 names to Vice President of Student Affairs Juan Gonzalez during a meeting Monday. No formal conclusions were reached at the meeting.
By the Voice Staff December 6, 2001
Unlike many of my peers, I am not a member of the Catholic Church. Also unlike many of my peers, Georgetown’s Catholic identity had no bearing on my decision to study here?I came to Georgetown because I wanted to pursue a degree in American Studies in the nation’s capital, and Georgetown provided the opportunity for me to do so.
By the Voice Staff December 6, 2001
The D.C. school board’s recent decision to cut short the academic year in order to save on operation expenses in a deficit-ridden year provided an easy target for city politicians. Mayor Anthony Williams immediately called the solution unacceptable. One City Council member called it an outrage.
By the Voice Staff December 6, 2001
Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Residence Life Bethany Marlowe announced Tuesday that she will be leaving Georgetown after 15 years.
“The time is right for me to leave,” Marlowe said.
She will assume the position of Dean of Students at Winthrop University in South Carolina.
By the Voice Staff December 6, 2001
On Tuesday, Georgetown University Student Association assembly members unanimously passed a resolution supporting the creation of the Interfaith Student Advisory Board.
Student representatives began working on this initiative after Gospel Choir members asked GUSA to support them with their staffing and funding conflicts with Campus Ministry.
By the Voice Staff December 6, 2001
Georgetown University Student Association President Ryan DuBose (CAS ‘02) vetoed a resolution passed by the GUSA assembly Tuesday night in a nine-to-four vote. This is the first time a GUSA president has exercised the executive veto power in recent memory.
By the Voice Staff December 6, 2001