Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Lez’hur Ledger: The ghosts of … Farragut Square?

When I realized that Halloween in college would be all about bobbing for beer cans and a pageant of risqu? costumes, I started to miss the eerie element of late October.


Ben and Jerry’s funky, chunky forgotten flavors

You Taste Like A Burger – a biweekly column about eating leisurely


Concert Calendar

Saturday 10/29 – Tuesday, 11/8


Paying away privacy

The federal government wants to easily monitor all of your electronic transmissions and it wants the University to foot the bill.


Hailing higher prices

Next time you sit down in a Washington taxicab, you might see the bright red lights of a meter.


Tending to the flock

Whatever your creed, or lack thereof, it is not hard to appreciate the basic moral teachings of the Church.


Homecoming comeback: Hoyas snare last-second W

Every young football player’s dream is to lead his team to a last-second victory in a big game, and be carried off the field by his teammates amidst the roars of an elated home crowd.


GU soccer prepares for postseason

Saving themselves from almost drowning in the Big East Blue Division standings during the middle of the season, the Hoyas have come back to life in the conference in recent weeks.


Women lose final two

Georgetown women’s soccer dropped their final two games of the regular season, yet managed to sneak into the Big East tournament as the No. 5 seed in the conference’s B division.


GU falls to ND

The Georgetown women’s volleyball team split two games on the road, defeating DePaul on Saturday and dropping a game to No. 9 Notre Dame on Sunday.