Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Aussies spill the gluten-free beans

It seems diners at Leo’s aren’t the only ones having a hard time finding something to fit their tastes. Architecture in Helsinki trombonist Gus Franklin laments that trying to find gluten-free vegan offerings at the Pennsylvania Interstate IHOP is an equally frustrating venture.


Wallace and Gromit take the big screen in style

You’ll definitely laugh and you just might cry, but you will certainly enjoy yourself.


Born Yesterday proves just as lively today

“A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing,” one character says in Arena Stage’s latest production.


The thrills of Violence

When family man Tom Stall’s uninteresting small town life is upended by an attempted robbery and a group of Philadelphian mobsters, his past, or someone else’s, comes back to haunt him.


Eco-friendly fashion

Eat My Skort – a biweekly column about fashion


A minority in the majority

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


Saturday morning, 7a.m.

Remembering the friends from the past


Wake me up when it’s over

We came to Boston for the College Jeopardy tryouts.


Bring your cards to the table

What does this mean? I don’t know, I’ll read it anyway … three minutes remaining … oh-ok. So, in conclusion: I’ll read this file, and this card and th-and time’s up.


Ladner’s Golden Parachute

Earlier this week, students and faculty at American University called for the swift resignation of University President Benjamin Ladner.