Myth: Starch spray on lettuce to help curb eating disorders. Bryant said: “No, we don’t use it. I don’t think we even use that other spray, vegetable cleaner. We use... Read more
The Superintendent of the D.C. Public Schools commended the recent work of Georgetown students in identifying and cataloguing university-affiliated education programs at a meeting in Riggs on Tuesday.
The Advisory Neighborhood Commission unanimously approved a resolution Tuesday night to support Georgetown’s plans to build a new business school and multi-sport complex.
Kate Peters What is your favorite piece of fall clothing in your closet? I love my bronze kitten heel flats because they seem to go with everything, and look really... Read more
For many, the name Andy Warhol instantly brings to mind New York, Marilyn Monroe and Campbell’s soup cans, but but as the recently opened exhibit at the Corcoran gallery demonstrates, his work spanned a much wider range of ideas and emotions.