Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Low pudge fudge

You Taste Like A Burger – a biweekly column about eating leisurely


A sense of security

The results of a recently released survey show that Georgetown students do not feel safe outside of the Healy gates or along Prospect Street. So far, Georgetown administrators have done an excellent job at addressing this issue, and they deserve recognition.


Keep the customer satisfied

Compared with previous years, the lines at the dining hall certainly seem long.


A loud but nonsensical protest

Anti-war activists had an unprecedented opportunity to speak with a unified voice in favor of a clear and responsible plan for Iraq. Instead, the Sept. 24 anti-war march became a fragmented and unclear call for the immediate and reckless withdrawal of troops from Iraq.


Don’t wait ’til next year

Being a baseball fan through good times and bad


Blame the left

Today I find that the consequences for my dominant left hand may be more severe than bumping elbows at the dinner table. In fact, it may kill me.


Good day sunshine

Carrying On – a rotating column by senior voice staffers


Security issues

I am one of those who gets worried every time your eyes wonder elsewhere during conversation: I am insecure.