Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Let them drink Cristal

Putting From the Rough – A weekly take on sports


Junked Adjunct

Outraged students are now organizing and circulating petitions, but these groups should be reevaluating the target of their attention: the adjunct professor system.


Pro-Life? Pro-Nuance.

The sad reality is that women are still harassed and raped in our society, choices still need to be made, and a society that respects life must also support decisions that are made for a good life.


Planning for Success

Four years can change a lot in a relationship. In the relationship between the University and the Georgetown community, four years can mean a lawsuit, a court order and, last week, the approval of a plan that will move the relationship further down the road.


By the Numbers

$25,000-$30,000 Cost of a new car for the Department of Public Safety $4,500-$7,000 Cost of a new “Chariot” Scooter for the Department of Public Safety Priceless Cost of seeing the... Read more


Hip hop on the Hilltop: Rap becomes sociology

Students’ interest in music scene leads to Daddio’s new course


GUGS to participate in Food Network contest Food Network contest

When the Georgetown University Grilling Society contacted George Foreman about inviting him to be a guest speaker at an upcoming event, its members never imagined that they would be invited to compete in a grilling competition.


Direct Quote

“Your Cover is Blown Edition”


Special police team focused on GU last weekend

Rowdy Georgetown students had to contend with an increased level of supervision from the Metropolitan Police Department last weekend.


GU Law Center to receive $2.4 million from suit

Attorney outside GU community donates money from Comcast