Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


This Arabic Department isn’t funded by Qatar

Though it looks like Georgetown will soon be setting up shop in the Middle East, the University is not making new progress on the home campus in the Arabic Department.


Where will all the hot librarians go?

The lights are going off earlier and earlier in America’s public libraries these days.


Direct Quote

“Justifiable Homicide Edition”


By the Numbers

1,000,000 Number of mourners viewing the Pope’s body in Rome. 3 Number of U.S. Presidents viewing the Pope’s body in Rome. 1 Number of Popes known by Georgetown undergraduates during... Read more


Wait listee stakes a claim on Copley Lawn

High school senior, University differ on how to get in the game


Ukrainian Pres. speaks to cost of freedom

Yushchenko addresses GU in hopes that partnership will flourish


Bomb threat proves false alarm

The phone call that forced 700 students out of their beds in the early hours of the morning last Sunday turned out to be a mere false alarm.


Arabic Department: supply falls short of demand

As interest in field increases, department funds can’t keep up


Mind the GAAP

Saxa Politica – Bi-weekly analysis of on-campus news and politics


GU remembers Pope

In honor of the April 2 death of Pope John Paul II, Georgetown University held a memorial Mass yesterday in Gaston Hall.