When my older sister and I planned our trip to Ireland this past winter break, we couldn’t understand why our parents expressed reservations about our destination, telling us that as Catholics we would feel like second-class citizens there.
Hunter S. Thompson did not possess all of the qualities that make a good journalist. But today’s media can learn a lot from him in at least one respect. Thompson was part of a dying breed of reporters who relished his antagonistic relationship with the political establishment, and he was never subtle.
Queers at Georgetown need a safe haven. It seems only natural that we would be tolerant of race, ethnicity, gender and religion. Why not sexual orientation as well?
The fact that Georgetown University would sell you the KY but not the condom makes me rethink the traditional sex debate on our campus. Sex is not taboo at Georgetown; safe sex is.
Better hope you don’t get mugged anytime soon: that emergency phone you’re running to probably won’t be working because, after months of delay, the campus emergency phone system remains mostly inoperable.
On Monday, the war for America’s hearts and minds over the issue of Social Security privatization began with a small Internet ad. On the left, a picture of a soldier is emblazoned with a red “x;” to the right a gay couple kissing is endorsed by a green check.
Rembrandt Van Rijn, a Dutch painter of the Baroque era, is best known for his ten-foot wide guild commissions featuring notable members of Amsterdam society.