John Cooke


GU to improve safety with grant money

Georgetown University received a half million-dollar grant from the Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools this September. The grant is designed to assist the University in... Read more


WMATA mulls fare increase

Facing an estimated $144 million budget deficit for fiscal year 2011, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Agency (WMATA) is considering a fare increase, as well as several other revenue-raising and... Read more


WMATA expands wireless and cell service

After years of providing phone service to Verizon customers in Metrorail stations, a new wireless contract will allow Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority to provide service from all major carriers... Read more


Shoplifters target Gtown

The Metropolitan Police Department has recently increased patrols in Georgetown ‘s business district in response to an upswing in shoplifting on M Street and Wisconsin Avenue. According to an email from Second District Commander Mark Carter, the officers who are part of this increase have been reassigned from separate late night patrols.


On the Waterfront

Georgetown Waterfront Park opened last week nearly two decades after the initial proposal was put forward, and after several delays and design changes.


GU weathers financial storm

With the credit market collapsing and the stock market unstable, Georgetown faces several financial uncertainties, including the prospect of diminishing returns on its already-small endowment.


Evans victorious

Incumbent Ward 2 Councilmember Jack Evans (D) defeated challenger Cary Silverman (D) in Tuesday’s Democratic primary by 1,300 votes, garnering 65 percent of the vote.


Not so sub-prime

Georgetown and several other area colleges have agreed to a new Code of Conduct for dealing with student loan lenders. The agreement, put together by the D.C. District Attorney, prohibits universities and their employees from profiting from their dealings with student lenders.


New DPS head has checkered past

Controversy hounded Jeffrey Van Slyke, Georgetown’s new Director of Public Safety, while he was the head of the University of Texas’s police department. He reacted flippantly to a racial profiling accusation, was charged in a sexual assault suit settled out of court, presided over the infiltration of a campus group, and armed his police with shotguns and semi-automatic rifles. Van Slyke’s past was first covered by the Voice’s blog, Vox Populi.


DPS retools for fall

In response to numerous assaults and robberies, some armed, that occurred in LXR and Henle at the end of last school year, Department of Public Safety officers are now armed with batons and pepper spray. The University has also installed louder door alarms in East Campus and replaced the doors in Henle.