Kent Elliott


Late Night Dogs

Late weekends nights are often accompanied by pangs of hunger in students’ stomachs. Brady Hiatt (SFS ‘09) plans to solve this problem by opening Mustard’s Last Stand this week, a hot dog stand located in Healy Circle.


Hermaphrodite fish provoke concern about pollution

For those of you who enjoy water from the tap, you may want to consider switching to Dasani.

The United States Geological Survey announced that a large number of intersex fish have been found in the Potomac River.


NEWS HIT: Lombardi gets cash

Lombardi gets cash


Peace in prayer

As part of a continuing effort to promote interfaith understanding, Georgetown will host a prestigious conference of diverse religious leaders next week.


The Kite Could Use More Slack

If sex is a metaphor for the interaction between author and audience, the abridging of literature means ending the sex too early for the writer’s taste, leaving him frustrated as the pleasured audience rolls over and goes to sleep.


Accidental president, sometime professor talks Brazil

Former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil spoke in Gaston Hall yesterday as part of a tour promoting his new memoir The Accidental President of Brazil.